Sunrise Searches

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A/N: Sorry there hasn't been an update for awhile. Midterms took over my life and then a lot happened in my personal life that left me emotionally drained and uninspired but I'm feeling better so I'm back to writing! I hope you all understand and enjoy the one shots!


Riley's POV

"I now pronounce you wife and other wife" Farkle laughs as he officiates the ceremony between Maya and I. We all laugh and Maya leans in to kiss me. I'm married to Maya. My best friend in the universe and the love of my life.

I look out into the ocean, hugging a blanket close around my arms to stop the chill of the evening from hitting my skin. The ocean is so calm at night, it's the first night of our honeymoon, one of six and I don't think I'll ever get sick of this view. I walk along the shoreline twisting my ring on my finger as I walk, letting my mind drift to thoughts of Maya. Suddenly I feel the cool silver of my ring slip and hear the faint thud of it hitting the sand.

"Mrs. Hunter Matthews what are you doing?" Maya asks sweetly as she makes her way down the beach wearing a pair of black yoga pants and a white camisole with her blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail.

"Um" I stutter as I glance down at the sand. Its day one of being married and I've already managed to screw something up. I sift my feet through the sand, hoping to feel the cold silver of my ring but I feel nothing as I continue to stare up at my wife.

"Something wrong?" she asks as she makes her way over to me with a bright smile glued to her face.

"No. Nothing" I lie as I feel her arms around my waist.

"Good" she smiles as she leans in to kiss me. "Let's go to bed" she whispers against my lips making electricity run through my veins.

"Okay" I agree as I lean back in to kiss her before racing her up to the bungalow.


Maya falls asleep and I smile as I look over at her peaceful face, a smile on her lips as she sleeps beside me. I lean over and kiss her cheek before climbing out of bed. I wrap a blanket around myself as I make my way over to the suitcase where I pull out a pair of yoga pants and an oversized UT sweatshirt that Lucas bought me during his freshman year. I throw up my hair, slip into a pair of flip flops and rush down to the beach. I start sifting through the sand but helplessly I can't find my ring.

"Lose something?" Maya asks from behind me making my heart stop as I turn to face her.

"No" I lie but she laughs lightly as she hands me a flashlight.

"Riles you think I didn't notice your wedding band was missing the entire time we were in bed? I get distracted by you but not that much" she smirks making me blush as I take the flashlight from her hand.

"I'm sorry Peaches" I apologize but she smiles and shakes her head.

"Baby don't worry about. We'll find it" she assures me as she pulls out an identical flashlight. "Let's get looking" she insists and together we spend the evening looking for the ring.

"I don't think we're gonna find it" I sigh as I plop down onto the sand as the sun begins to rise on the horizon.

"We found each other, I'm sure we can find a ring" Maya argues as she sits beside me.

"But what if we don't?" I ask causing her to shrug.

"Then we have each other" she smiles as she leans in to kiss me as we pull apart there's a smirk forming on her lips.

"What's with the face?" I ask as we rest our foreheads together.

"I found it" she smiles as she pulls back, holding up my ring. "I just really wanted to watch the sunset with my wife" she adds causing my heart to flutter.

"Maya Hunter Matthews, a romantic. Who knew?" I tease playfully.

"You" she replies as she slips the ring back on my finger. "All better."

"Much better" I agree as I lean back in to kiss her.


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