Our First Valentine's Day

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Maya's POV

"Cotton candy" I smile as I open my locker finding a whole bag of the fluffy pastel colored candy. "Is this because my machine broke?" I ask with a laugh as I grab the bag out of my locker, turning to face my girlfriend.

"Maybe" Riley smirks making me roll my eyes playfully as I take her hand in mine. "But for the record I really think you should get it fixed" she adds as her chocolate brown eyes sparkle.

"Is that because you want some?" I ask expectantly as I stare at her lovingly.

It was our first Valentine's Day as girlfriends and the two of us have been exchanging gifts all day. We had unknowingly both gone all out for the holiday.

"I plead the fifth" she laughs as Farkle and Smackle appear beside us.

"Still on for our double date tonight?" Farkle asks as he wraps his arm around his girlfriend.

"Of course. We wouldn't miss it for the world" Riley replies brightly.

"Plus it's at Topanga's. We hang out there every day anyway" I add seriously.

"But this is Valentine's Day. A day of romance" Riley says dazedly as she stares off into space, at what I had no idea, not that I minded in the slightest. She was the most adorable dork in the universe and she was all mine.

"What about adventure?" I ask teasingly, recalling the couple's game at the ski lodge.

"C" Smackle exclaims making us all laugh as the bell rings, signaling that it was time for us to get to class.


"Ice cream" Riley smiles as I hand her the cone of strawberry ice cream before taking a seat beside her with my mix of vanilla and chocolate. We were well into our double date with Smarkle, all of us deciding to get ice cream. Smackle and Farkle were still in line.

"Yep" I reply as I lick the ice cream so it doesn't drip onto my fingers.

"Remember when I ice creamed you" she smirks as she licks some ice cream that had dripped onto her hand.

"How could I forget?" I ask seriously. "I was the worst bully ever."

"Still are" she replies playfully as Smackle and Farkle reappear beside us.

"Farkle and I are heading back to his house" Smackle says as she looks down at me and Riley. "Farkle and I will see you tomorrow" she adds as Farkle helps her with her coat.

"Oh okay" I shrug as I look up at them. "Have a nice night" I add as they walk out of the bakery leaving Riley and I alone.

"What should we do for the rest of the night?" Riley asks curiously.

"I was thinking Red Planet Diaries marathon at your place" I reply as I taker her hand in mine.

"Bay window?" she asks as she stands up, making me stand along with her.

"Bay window right now" I agree as we head out of the bakery hand in hand.

Our holiday wasn't anything special. We were still Riley and Maya, we were still extraordinary but we were also just two young girls falling in love.

"Happy Valentine's Day Peaches" Riley says sleepily as she rests her head on my shoulder after about four hours of Red Planet Diaries.

"Happy Valentine's Day Riles" I reply as we both drift off to sleep.

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