Fights and Mid-Terms

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Riley's POV

"Let's go see a movie" Maya suggests making me roll my eyes as I turn the page of my textbook. I was studying for my midterm and my girlfriend was being her usual stubborn self, wanting me to go out since it was Friday night.

"If I fail this midterm my grades this semester are toast. I need to study" I argue as I highlight a sentence in my book before taking note of it in my notebook.

"Your midterm isn't until Monday morning. Come on. Have some fun" she insists making me sigh as I look up at her.

"Maya I said no. I'm not going out. Have fun without me if you really want to" I shout causing her to throw her arms up in annoyance as she grabs her clutch and storms out the door.

Maya and I had been dating since high school and in high school things were perfect. Our differences were what brought us closer together but nowadays we fought nonstop about everything and it was only serving to create distance.

"Knock. Knock" Brooke smiles as she walks into my dorm making a smile pull at my lips as I look up at the brunette. "Whatcha doing?" she asks curiously.

"Studying. Something I assumed you would be doing too" I reply as she takes a seat on the edge of my bed.

"I was but Zach stole my highlighter" she replies making me laugh. "I can to see if I could borrow one from you" she adds.

"Of course. What color?" I ask as I open my pencil pouch.

"I've always loved purple" she says making me laugh as I pull out my purple highlighter.

"I've always been pretty fond of purple myself" I inform her as I hold up my own purple highlighter.

"Brilliant girls think alike" she smiles as she leans forward and I know she's going to kiss me but I can't stop thinking about Maya. I know we've been going through things but she was my soulmate and Brooke could never compete with her.

"Brooke stop" I say simply as I pull back. "I have a girlfriend."

"She doesn't have to know" Brooklyn argues.

"Oh but she does" I hear as my eyes flit up to Maya's. I was so caught up that I didn't even hear her come back, but I'm glad she did. "She said she has a girlfriend. Now get the hell away from her before I make you" Maya adds angrily as she takes a step towards the bed.

"Fine" Brooke exclaims as she hops off my bed. "But someday she's gonna realize you're not good enough" she says to Maya as she struts out the door.

"I'm sorry" I apologize quickly.

"Has she ever come on to you before? Have you been cheating on me?" Maya asks with hurt lacing her voice.

"No. Of course not. Tonight was the first time she even made a move and it felt wrong. She's not you and I told her to stop."

"I just went to get some dinner" Maya says softly as she holds up a bag of takeout.

"Are we okay?" I ask hopefully as I close my textbook and climb off my bed.

"We will be" Maya smiles as she pulls me closer. "We'll get through this Riley."


"I promise" she replies happily as she leans in to kiss me and when her lips meet mine I know that as long as we're together everything will be okay. 

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