The Brunette in the Library

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Maya's POV

"You do realize you could just go up to her right?" Josh asks as he catches me looking across the library at the stunning brunette who apparently has decided to set up in the middle of the room.

"You realize you could mind your own business" I snap back causing him to look hurt by my outburst. I suddenly feel bad as I focus back on him.

"I'm sorry. It's just frustrating."

"That you won't go talk to a girl that you clearly have a thing for. I agree" he replies causing me to sigh as a random freshman comes up to make my check out a book to them. I scan their ID and their book and they disappear allowing me to turn back to my original task. Stalking the brunette.

"I don't even know if she likes girls" I point out to Josh causing him to roll his eyes as he focuses back on his textbook. I was working in the NYU library and Josh always hung out with me during my shifts. If he didn't I would've been fired during my first week for falling asleep on the job. That was until the girl showed up.

"True but if she does maybe you can use your mouth to do other things than just annoy the shit out of me" he says but I know he's teasing. He loves me, we've been best friends since my freshman year, inseparable from the day we met.

"You'd miss my mouth" I smirk causing him to laugh as he shakes his head. I look back up at the girl and see a blonde boy sit across from her. My heart drops. "You were saying" I sigh as I point to the table making Josh look across the room to the pair sitting at the table.

"Could be a friend" he suggests but I shake my head. That would be too perfect and nothing in my life was perfect.


Josh is standing by the door texting his girlfriend Sophie while I shut down the computers around the library. Its closing time so I have to do my rounds to make sure everyone is gone and make sure everything get shut off.

I'm almost done when I stumble across the brunette, asleep on a couch with her textbook on her lap. I can't help but giggle as I walk over to her. I move her book onto the table beside the couch and gently shake her awake.

"Hm?" she mumbles incoherently as she wakes up making me smile. She was much cuter in person.

"The library is closing" I explain softly as her eyes flutter open. The chocolate brown pools leave me drowning. She has a boyfriend I remind myself. Shit this is bad.

"Oh sorry. I must've fallen asleep. You know midterms" she giggles. Shit that's adorable too.

"I understand" I smile as Josh appears around the corner.

"Gorgeous are you coming or not?" he asks but when his eyes land on the girl he smirks at me. "Because I have plans" he lies and I know he's trying to get the girl beside me to volunteer to see me out.

"Need help locking up?" the apparently polite brunette asks.

"She'd love some" Josh interjects. "See you tomorrow" he smiles before sprinting off. I am so going to kill that boy.

"I'm Riley" the girl introduces herself. "Boyfriend" she guesses as she sits up motioning to the empty space Josh filled seconds ago, piling up her schoolwork.

I laugh and shake my head as I stand back up, straightening out my clothes as I do. "I'm Maya and no. Best friend."

"Oh" she says in surprise. "Any boyfriend?" she asks curiously as we begin to walk back to the desk.

"If anything I would have a girlfriend and I do not have one of those either" I explain as I grab the keys, successfully catching her wide eyes.

"No girlfriend. That seems impossible" she says as I shrug, leading her out and locking the door behind us.

"Not when every pretty girl has a handsome boyfriend" I reply causing her to chuckle.

"So I'm not pretty?" she asks taking me off guard as I literally stop and look up at her.

"What? What about the blonde?"

"Best friend. He was trying to get me to leave the library but there's this really attractive blonde that works the desk that I was hoping to talk to."

"Hold on. I've been driving Josh nuts talking about you and you've been into me the whole time?" I ask in shock causing her to laugh.

"Wanna get a coffee after midterms?" she asks causing my heart to flip in excitement.

"I'd love that" I reply excitedly, "can I walk you to your dorm?"

"I'd love that" she smiles and together we walk. Just me and my brunette.

A/N: UPDATE SCHEDULE CHANGING!!!!! I will be aiming to update on Monday and Thursdays now instead of Tuesdays and Thursdays. If I get busy with Pharmacology then the update will most likely be on Wednesday but I'll let you all know when that's the case. I hope you all understand and I look forward to writing more!

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