The Locker Room

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Maya's POV

Riley learning to swim was the number one goal for the summer. She never learned because she was too scared of drowning but I had convinced her to take a class. There was only one condition, I had to take it with her. "You excited?" I ask, leaning against the wall of lockers while she got dressed. I let my eyes linger on her as she slips into a purple bikini with lace fringe. Her c cup breasts filled the top nicely and though I may be bias I thought my girlfriend had a pretty nice ass.

"You have to save me if I drown" she says making me chuckle.

"Baby you're gonna be fine" I insist, tugging her hand and pulling her against me. I lean forward and press a quick kiss to her lips.

"Seriously?" I hear someone mutter making me pull apart from my girlfriend to find someone staring at us with a disgusted look on her face.

"There a problem?"

"You're in here" she retorts making me roll my eyes as I grab my girlfriend's hand and lead her out to the pool. We get in and wade around on the shallow end waiting for the class to start. My eyes follow the annoying girl from the locker room as she gets into the pool.

"Maya don't let her bug you" Riley says, turning my head so my eyes lock on her's. "Her opinion doesn't matter."

"You're right" I smirk as I grab her waist and pull her back against me, crashing my lips onto her's. This kiss is much rougher than the one we exchanged in the locker room with my tongue parting her lips and her teeth biting down on my lip. "I don't wanna swim" I breathe out as we pull apart breathlessly. "I want you" I beg making her cheeks flush but she nods. I take her hand and lead her back to the locker room, slamming the door shut behind us before pushing her up against the lockers and crashing my lips back onto her's.

I turn her around, pressing her chest against the lockers as my fingers fly through the knot that's holding my girlfriend's swim top together. When it comes loose I spin her back around and yank it off her petite figure, pressing my body against her's as my lips close back over her's. My lips continue to move with her lips while my fingers tug the waistband of her swim bottoms, yanking them down her legs.

My lips disconnect from her's, trailing down her neck, down the valley between her breasts, her stomach and lower. When my lips connect right where she wants she lets out a loud moan and her head falls back into the lockers. My tongue continues to work her towards her release while her chest begins to rise and fall rapidly and her fingers tangle and tug on my hair. "Maya" she yells, "I'm gonna" she squeaks out when the door opens.

"What the hell?" I pull back from Riley and laugh, looking up at the girl who was disgusted by me kissing Riley on the lips earlier. I lick my lips and stand up, pressing a swift kiss to Riley's lips.

"Go get dressed honey" I instruct my girlfriend who nods and walks off to get dressed.

"You two are disgusting."

"I don't know" I shrug, "she tasted pretty good to me" I smirk as Riley appears beside me, fully clothed in a pair of white shorts and a purple tank top that's back was sheer lace. "You ready to go baby?" I ask, kissing her lips again.

"Mhm" she nods, her cheeks red from embarrassment at getting caught.

"Good" I smile, heading to my locker and pulling out my white shorts. I pull them up my legs and throw my hair up into a ponytail, heading back over to Riley. "Ready" I exclaim, linking my arm with her's. "Bye bitch" I add over my shoulder at the judgy girl as we head out of the building.

"I cannot believe I let you do that to me in public" Riley blushes, "and we got caught."

"That girl deserved it" I laugh, "and besides, you enjoyed it" I smirk.

"I always enjoy it" she replies honestly, "but baby" she adds, "what are we gonna do about swimming?" she laughs as I shrug.

"I guess I'll just have to save you if you drown."

"Lifeguard Maya, it's got a sexy ring to it" she smirks. "I think I may need mouth to mouth" she adds making me chuckle as I stop and tug her hand so she stumbles into me.

"I love you" I whisper, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I love you too" she smiles before leaning in to kiss me, this time without any interruptions. 

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