Romea and Juliet

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Hello lovelies! I'm back...again and I'm here with a little update on what's been going on in my life and why updates have been so sporadic. A few weeks back I started my job and my life has been pretty much consumed by. I'm working a lot of hours and it's been tiring me out to the point of coming home and sleeping leaving little time for me to write. Also, last week was my annual family vacation which was some much needed rest and relaxation and I only got one chapter of a book done while I was up there. But now I'm home and off for a couple days so here I am with updates. I can't promise they'll be frequent or as often as usual but I'm trying my best to find a balance with everything in my life right now and it's been a little tricky. I really appreciate your patience and I hope you all continue to read and enjoy my books as writing them is still one of my favorite things to do in my free time. I love you all so much and I hope you enjoy these updates.  


Riley's POV

"Hey Riley" Dave says nervously as he walks towards me, wringing his hands together. It's obvious that he has something to say but is nervous to speak.

"Hi Dave" I reply, locking eyes with him the mirror. I was currently in the midst of getting ready for the second night of Romeo & Juliet. I was playing lead as Juliet opposite Zay and everything was going perfectly.

"There's um something I uh have to tell you" he stutters nervously. I quirk an eyebrow at him.

"What is it?"

He takes a deep breath and the words rush out quickly forming one long word instead of three. "Zayisn'tcoming."

I stare at him blankly. "What?" I ask, searching for clarification.

He sighs. "Zay isn't coming." My eyes widen. This couldn't be happening. If Zay wasn't coming then that meant my understudy would be stepping in for him.

"No" I shake my head, panic rising inside of me. "No he has to come! If he doesn't come that means that-."

"Uh hey Riles" Maya says awkwardly as she walks into the room. My heart drops into my stomach.

Maya was Zay's understudy.

I remember pleading with our director to pick someone else, anyone else. Anyone who didn't know my biggest secret.

It had been over a year since our friendship abruptly came to an end after I kissed her. She freaked out and instead of sticking around to face rejection I ran away and we haven't spoken since.

"I'll give you ladies a moment" Dave says, sneaking out of the room and leaving us alone. I take a deep breath, busying myself with an array of makeup brushes.

"Riley we have to talk about it."

"No we don't" I insist, shaking my head. "It happened and tonight it'll happen again in front of hundreds of people. It meant nothing then and it'll mean nothing now. Don't worry Maya, you don't have to worry" I add as I brush past her and leave the green room.

~ 🎭💖🎭 ~

Maya's POV

I stand off stage waiting for my cue, bouncing on my heels while my nerves multiply more and more every second.

"Boo" Lucas smirks, sneaking up beside me. "You nervous?"

I look at him skeptically. "To kiss Riley again? Of course not" I lie, wringing my hands together.

Lucas knew about my crush on Riley as he had been the shoulder I leaned on when I came to terms with my sexuality after Riley kissed me. I freaked out because the second her lips met mine I knew that the reason none of my relationships had worked in the past was because I was meant to be with a girl.

"Liar" he calls me out. "It's gonna be great Maya."

"Yea okay" I reply with a roll of my eyes. There was no way this was going to end well. If the audience didn't freak out and threaten to leave over the change of Romeo to Romea then I knew that Riley would probably run off stage after our kiss and end the show anyway.

My cue comes and I take a deep breath as I step forward. I say my lines and hear a collective gasp fall over the crowd. They clearly weren't expecting a girl to show up as Riley's opposite but I don't care, I'm just looking at Riley.

Riley and I go back and forth until all that's left is the kiss. I step towards her and caress her cheek and watch as her eyes flutter shut.

I lean forward and press my lips to hers and suddenly my world that's been tilted off it's axis for the past year is righted and it's like I cam breathe again...metephorically anyway since I'm actually on the verge of passing out from lack of oxygen.

We pull apart and a giggle falls from her lips. "Wow" she murmurs.

"Better than last time" I whisper causing a blush to rise on her cheeks and I can't help but lean back in for another kiss.

~ 🎭💖🎭 ~

"The chemistry was absolutely fantastic" our director exclaims after the curtain call which earned us a standing ovation. "It was the best show we've seen in years. Bravo ladies" he adds before walking away, leaving Riley and I alone.

I turn to face her and she lets out a deep breath. "I missed you" I admit, causing her to look up at me.

I step closer to her and her breath hitches as I reach out to caress her cheek. "You freaked out" she says softly. I offer her a sympathetic smile.

"I was scared" I admit. "I had never thought I was interested in girls and then-then you kissed me" I continue. "And it scared me...because I liked it."

Her eyes widen and a smile pulls at her lips. "What?"

"I like you Riles. A lot."

Her smile widens and I can't help but reach out to caress her cheek. "I want to be your Romeo."

"I'd love nothing more" she replies and when our lips meet neither of us freaks out or runs because we're finally right where we're supposed to be.

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