Dirty Little Secret

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*Inspired By: Does He Know by One Direction*

Maya's POV

"Does he know you're out and I want you so bad?"

I know she's his. I know this one hundred percent, completely, as if the large diamond sparkling on her finger isn't enough to remind me ever chance it gets.

What he doesn't seem to know is that I'm not intimidated by him and his flashy jewelry. "Would you stop staring at Cotton Candy Face" Zay begs as I turn my gaze to him, a wicked smirk pulling at my lips.

"And why would I do that?" I ask curiously, taking a swing of my beer.

"Maya I know you like her but-."

"Ha" I laugh, placing my beer back onto the bar. "I don't simply like her Zay and you and I both know it" I add seriously, leaning against the bar as I watch Riley's hips sway to the music, imagining my hands on her skin, my body pressed against hers. Heat sears through my body at my dirty thoughts of my best friend.

"She's engaged Maya. To Lucas" he reminds me but I wave him off.

"Lucas isn't here" I remind him with a smirk, reaching back for my beer, "and what Huckleberry doesn't know won't kill him."

He looks at me confused, "so what? You're gonna seduce her?" he asks in disbelief. "Good luck with that" he laughs, shaking his head. I roll my eyes as I finish off my beer. Sure I wanted to get Riley into bed but it was so much more than that. I had been in love with her for years and I knew that without the constant presence of Lucas she could realize that she maybe felt the same way.

"I catch your eye and you turn away but there's no hiding the smile on your face"

I order another beer, getting a much needed buzz going as Zay makes his way over to Riley, dancing along with her. I laugh as the two dance goofily and I catch Riley's eye in the midst of the dance. She quickly looks away but I watch the blush rise to her cheeks and it's impossible to miss the grin spreading across her face.

I put down my beer and make my way to the dance floor. "Mind if I cut in?" I ask Zay politely though I wasn't going to take no for an answer. I take Riley's hand and pull her off to the side as the music pulses around us.

"Having fun?" I ask my best friend who nods enthusiastically.

"Wanna dance?" I smirk, watching my suggestion have it's desired effect as her cheeks flush even darker.

"This kind of dancing?" she asks, her voice barely audible over the music.

"Yes" I whisper, grabbing her hips and pulling her against me, hearing a gasp escape her lips. "This kind of dancing" I add, my eyes locking on her's before they fall to her luscious pink lips, her bottom one between her teeth. She was nervous.

The music swells around us and I let my hands fall to her hips, pulling her closer still. "This okay?" I ask my best friend who simply nods in reply. I smirk as I start grinding my hips to the music and after a few seconds Riley starts to loosen up, getting lost in the music, her arms coming around to link around my neck as she moves her body to the rhythm. She spins around on her own accord, pressing her body into mine while my hands splay over her hips, pressing her lower half against mine. Her hands cover mine, her fingers intertwining with mine, causing my fingers to dig into her soft skin.

I take a risk and bring my lips to the sensitive spot behind her ear. "Maya" she moans, throwing her head back making me smirk.

"Wanna go back to my place?" I whisper in her ear, leaving another soft kiss behind her ear.

"Mhm" she nods making me smirk as I let her go, I take her hand and lead her out of the club.

When we get back to my apartment I fumble with the keys making Riley giggle but when I finally get the door open we rush inside, me locking the door before catching Riley's wrist and pushing her against the door.

"What are we doing?" she asks breathlessly, searching my eyes.

"Let me take you to bed" I beg, her eyes widening slightly, her lips parting in shock.

"Maya, I'm engaged" she whispers, almost sounding sad.

"Just one night Riles, I know you want this as much as I do" I whisper, reaching up to caress her cheek. She gnaws her bottom lip, seemingly debating what to do.

"He can never know" she whispers.

"He'll never know" I agree before finally crashing my lips onto her's.

"So keep trying but you know I see all the little things who make you who you are"

Afterwards both of us are breathless lying in my bed tangled in sheets, my fingertips in her hair and her hand resting on my stomach. "Why are you with him?" I ask bluntly, looking down at the beautiful brunette beside me, her face glowing.

"I love him Maya" she says softly.

"Love him like me or love him like Auggie?" I ask bluntly making her sigh as she buries her head in the crook of my neck.

"I'm scared of loving you" she says softly, I smile, picking up her face and making her look at me.

"Everyone will be okay if you come out Riles" I say seriously, caressing her cheek. "They all were when I did."

She laughs, nodding. "But you weren't engaged when you came out" she sighs, running her fingers through her hair.

"So you'd rather live a lie for the rest of your life than admit you're in love with me?" She gnaws her bottom lip, staring down at me intently. "Riley, baby this is who you are" I say softly, reaching up to tuck a wild strand of hair behind her ear. "You can keep pretending but I know who you really are and I love you."

"I love you too" she says softly making my heart swell. "I have no idea what I'm gonna do" she admits, a nervous laugh bubbling out of her.

"We'll figure it out. Together" I assure her. "Now come on" I smile as I tug on her hand, pulling her back to me, "we have a lot of missed time to make up for" I add making her giggle as we crash back together.  

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