Testing Feelings

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Maya's POV

"Just come. It'll be fun." That's what Riley always says but it's always the same. We go out, she wears a shirt that shows off just a bit too much of her impressive chest and shorts that showcase every inch of her flawless long legs.

If lecturing her on her revealing clothing choices wouldn't completely out me I would totally say something but she can never know how I feel. I couldn't bear losing her so here I sit...in the middle of a bar on a Friday night watching her get hit on over and over again.

"Ugh" Riley groans as a pushy blonde walks away. "That guy was too handsy. I feel like I need a shower" she complains as she takes a long swig of her beer.

"Excuse me" another man taps on her shoulder. Unbelievable. Did my best friend have a sign on her back that screamed, I wanna get laid tonight?

"Do you not see the woman sitting next to me?" Riley snaps, taking me by surprise. Perhaps all the attention was getting to her. "What? Just because she's of the same gender you don't think we could be an item. She's my girlfriend do you know what that means? That means that I could care less about whatever there is in your pants that you'd like to show me. Okay?"

He blinks at her in shock and I just sit there, stunned into silence. "I uh think you should go" I interject finally. The guy nods and walks away while I turn to my best friend. "Um where did that come from?" I demand.

"I don't know" she sighs, pressing her hands against her head. "I'm just losing my mind. No big deal" she chuckles.

"Riley it is a big deal" I argue. "Do you wanna head home?"

She glances over at me and stares at me intently before suddenly she's leaning forward and her lips are on mine. It takes me a moment to respond but when my brain and my mouth finally get onto the same page I  find myself kissing her back until finally she pulls away. "I always wondered what that would be like" she murmurs.

"You have?" I ask hopefully.

"Of course" she giggles. "Haven't you ever wanted to experiment?"

"Um" I stutter as she stands up and grabs her purse.

"We should go. Come on Peaches" she insists, grabbing my hand and pulling me off the stool and out of the club.

We hail a cab and it's not long before we're heading off to our apartment but the ride seems to drag as Riley's fingers trail dangerously up my thigh. "I wanna taste you" she says boldly making my eyes widen as I shake my head.

"Oh no honey. You've experimented enough tonight" I chuckle, pushing her hand away. "You need to taste some water and get tucked into bed."

"No" she whines. "I wanna be with you."

I try not to let myself get excited with those words but it's hard when they're the words I've wanted to hear for so long. "Too bad hon. You're gonna get some rest" I insist as we pull up to the house and help her inside to get tucked in.

~ 💙💚💜 ~

"Ugh" Riley groans as she walks into my room and collapses onto my bed. "How bad was it?" she asks, referring to her actions last night.

I decide to lie. I know it's what's best evem though I wish I had it in me to tell her the truth. "You told a guy we were dating to get him to go away. He was shocked but left quietly. Then you got a headache and we left" I state simply but her eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Nothing else happened?" she presses but I shake my head confidently.

"Nope. Nothing else."

"But" she begins, sitting up. "I kissed you. Why are you lying?" she demands. I sigh, shutting my laptop and looking up at her.

"Because it didn't mean anything. I'm happy to have been of service sweetie but I don't expect anything. I understand that it was just an experiment."

She gnaws her bottom lip, letting out a deep breath. "I have thought about it Maya. I've thought about kissing you and having sex with you but I don't know-we're in college. Aren't we supposed to be experimenting?"

"Honey if you're curious then that's okay and I'd rather you test your feelings on me than some random girl off the street."

"Even though you love me?" she asks. I don't even bother to ask her how she knows because it doesn't matter. She's still Riley and I'm still Maya. Our sexualities don't change that.

"Especially because I love you" I argue, squeezing her hand. "Do you still wanna know what it's like?" I press, tracing my thumb over her hand.

"I don't want to toy with your feelings Maya. What if this just proves that I don't have those feelings for you?"

I shrug, pulling her closer. "Then at least you'll know" I whisper before pressing my lips to hers and lowering her onto the bed.

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