Coffee Run

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Riley's POV

"This is taking forever" Lucas complains as he looks at all thw paperwork that was still scattered on the desk in front of us. It was already one in the morning and we were exhausted. We had been working on our project for our US government class since six and we were reaching our limit.

"We're almost done" I yawn as I rest my head on my hand and let my eyes flutter shut.

"That's what you said four hours ago" he points out. "Riley" he claps his hands making me perk up.

"What?" I exclaim making him sigh as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"This is hopeless" he says. "We're gonna pass out before we finish this."

"No" I yawn in protest. "We're gonna get this done" I insist.

"I highly doubt it" he replies. "We should just take the incomplete."

"No" I shake my head as I stand up. "I'm gonna go get some coffee. I'll be right back" I tell him.

"Alright fine. You know my order" he waves me off. I nod as I head off towards the coffee shop that was located on campus. It was open twenty-four hours in case anyone needed a cup of coffee to keep them up at night. I open the door to the shop and walk in to see a blonde girl leaning against the counter. I recognized her from my art class, she was an art major. Her blonde hair was falling in waves around her shoulders and her piercing blue eyes were focused on something she was drawing on a napkin.

I gnaw my bottom lip as I make my way to the counter. "Hi" I smile brightly making the girl look up at me.

"Hi" she says, her eyes wide. "Um what can I get ya?" she asks curiously as she stands up.

"Um can I get a venti nonfat latte and a venti black coffee?"

"Yep" she rings it up. "Study date?" she guesses making me chuckle.

"Not unless he's actually a girl and has been keeping it a secret" I giggle as I hand her the money for the coffees.

"Oh" she says, a look of shock apparent on her face.

"Yea" I blush. "So um what were you drawing?" I ask as she prepares my drink.

"Nothing really" she shrugs. "I like to doodle. It makes time go faster" she explains before pausing to look at me intently. "You're in my watercolor class aren't you?" she asks, finally placing me.

"Yea I am" I nod. "Riley Matthews" I introduce politely.

"Maya Hunter" she replies as she places the black coffee in front of me. I smile at her as she finishes my cup. "This one is yours right?" she asks and I nod making a smile pull at her lips.

She grabs a Sharpie and writes something on the outside of the cup before handing it to me. "Good luck with your project" she says sweetly.

"Thanks. Have a good rest of your shift" I reply as I grab the coffees. I head off back to Lucas and find him asleep when I arrive. "Hey" I hit the side of his head. "Up" I instruct as I hand him his coffee.

"That hurt" he complains as he holds his head, "but thank you" he adds as he grabs his cup and takes a sip. I sit down and lift my cup to my lips as his eyebrows furrow in confusion. "What's written on your cup?" he asks confused.

"What?" I ask, already forgetting. I move my cup and look at it. There written on my cup is Maya's phone number with the words call me written underneath. I blush and a giggle falls from my lips.

"Someone likes you" he teases as he puts down his coffee. "She cute?"

"Extremely" I smile brightly.

"You gonna call her?" he asks curiously. I shrug as I put down my cup.

"Maybe" I reply nonchalantly even though I knew I would and by the amused look he gives me I know he knows too.

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