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Riley's POV

"Senior camping trip starts tonight! Don't be any later than six o'clock to board the buses" Smackle announces over the loudspeaker at the end of the day.

"This trip is going to be so much fun" Maya insists as she leans up against my locker after school on Friday. We were allowed to go home for about three hours before we expected to be back at Abigail Adams, ready to head off to the campsite.

"I don't get why everyone is so excited" I reply as I shut my locker. "It's just camping."

"There's a rumor that there's plenty of places to sneak off to" Maya replies. "Like waterfalls" she smirks as she grabs my waist and pulls me towards her.

"Don't be getting ideas" I chuckle, pushing on her chest.

"But getting ideas is my favorite pastime" she replies making me roll my eyes in amusement.

"We should go. We still need to go home and pack."

"Fine" she sighs, "I get you all to myself later anyway" she smirks as she starts towards the door.


"You know what the best part of this trip is?" Maya asks as she relaxes in our tent. I laugh as I settle beside her.

"What?" I ask, playing dumb though I knew what she was getting at.

"Getting to share a tent with my girlfriend because we're both girls" she smiles as she leans down to kiss me. I giggle as we pull apart.

"Schools should really update their policies."

"They work for me" Maya shrugs making me giggle as she leans in for another lingering kiss before pulling back. "I was thinking that after everyone goes to sleep we could sneak off" she whispers, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.

"To the waterfall" I guess.

"Maybe" she smirks. "Would you be opposed?"

"I don't know" I gnaw my bottom lip. "I don't wanna get in trouble."

"Honey would I ever let you get in trouble?" she asks, leaning forward to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "Trust me" she whispers making my heart do somersaults in my chest.

I stare up into her hopeful, shimmering blue eyes and sigh. "Okay" I give in reluctantly. "You're lucky I love you."

"Yes I am" she replies excitedly as she leans in for another kiss that's cut short by Harper calling us to dinner.


I obviously hadn't thought this through. As always my girlfriend has stolen all my common sense and now I'm left to figure out what I'm going to do to get out of this. "I don't have a swim suit" I exclaim as my girlfriend kicks off her flip flops on the edge of the waterfall basin.

"And?" Maya questions as she strips off her shirt. "I've seen you in a bra and panties before. It's fine."

I gnaw my bottom lip while my girlfriend finishes taking off her clothes before jumping into the water. She flips her hair back and my mouth goes dry as she runs her hands over her face. "Gonna join me or not honey?" she shouts. I sigh, grabbing the hem of my shirt before I can talk myself out of my decision. I strip down and jump into the water before wading over to Maya.

"It's cold" I giggle making a smile pull at Maya's lips.

"Let me warm you up" she suggests with a smirk as she pulls me into her arms before crashing her lips onto mine. We kiss deeply, floating around in the water until the barriers between us seem pointless. "Wanna skinny dip?" she whispers breathlessly.

"What if we get caught?"

"We won't" she insists as she reaches behind her to grab the clasp of her bra. "Trust me" she adds. A smile pulls at my lips as I nod and strip the rest of my clothes off before crashing my lips back onto Maya's. Our hands roam one another's bodies while our lips move quickly together.

"Riley" Maya's voice exclaims. "Riley" she repeats making my eyes flutter open. She giggles as my eyes flutter open. "Hey sleepyhead" she smiles as she tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "You ready to go to the waterfall?"

I stare at her and a smile pulls at my lips. "More than ready."

Thunder & Lightning: A Collection of Rilaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now