Feeling Alive

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Maya's POV

In college we're encouraged to get involved with the world and its great injustices. Everyone wants everyone to make a difference. My friend Smackle was planning on going to a women's march so I volunteered to go with her. I figured it would be enough to get the world off my ass. What I didn't except was the large crowd and just how passionate they all were. "Is it always like this?" I ask Smackle as we make our way to the front of the crowd.

"Um kinda" she laughs lightly. "Cool huh? All these people coming together to make an actual difference in the world" she beams. I had to admit it was pretty cool. When we reach the front of the march Smackle taps a tall brunette on the shoulder making her spin around to face us.

"Isadora" she exclaims, throwing her arms around my friend. "I'm so glad you could make it" she beams, her eyes falling to me. "And you brought a friend." I'm stunned into silence. The girl standing in front of me is drop dead beautiful. She has long brunette locks, sparkling chocolate brown eyes and a smile that could light up even the worst day. Her figure is nothing short of perfect to match, her chest is at least a cup size larger than mine and she has curves that I'd love to caress every inch of.

"Maya" Smackle nudges me bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Huh what?" I ask coming back to reality. She laughs and smiles.

"This is Riley" she introduces the brunette to me.

"Maya" I reply quickly.

"Hm" Riley hums in approval. "Want a sign?" she asks, holding one out to me.

"Yes" I nod as I grab the sign from her hands. She smiles at me before calling attention to herself. Everyone quiets and stares up at her. I'm in awe.

"Alright everyone. We have about three miles to cover today before we reach city hall and then we protest. Everyone ready?" They all scream yes in response before we head off. I'm mesmerized watching her move, her hips swaying side to side causing impure thoughts to erupt in my head.

"Maya are you okay?" Smackle asks as she bumps her shoulder into mine.

"Yep" I assure her but she eyes me suspiciously and laughs.

"She's hot isn't she?" she smirks as a blush rises on my cheeks. "Go talk to her" she encourages me. Smackle was my only friend who knew that I was into girls. I had even tried to date Lucas but there was no denying that it just felt different.

"And if she rejects me?"

"There's like a thousand girls here" Smackle laughs. "One of them probably finds you attractive." I bite my lip and sigh, giving in as I approach the brunette.

"Hey" I smile as I sidle up next to her.

"Maya" she beams. "What's up?"

"I have a few questions" I explain as she looks at me intrigued. "How often do you do this kind of thing?" I ask curiously.

"At least once a month" she replies. "They take a while to plan and with class it's kinda hard but I try my best."

"It's crazy" I reply honestly. "All these people coming together."

"Why did you come?" she asks curiously. "Honestly."

"Everyone is always saying how important it is to make a difference and since Smackle was coming I just decided to tag along" I explain.

"And now?"

"When's the next one?" I ask making her giggle.

"I'll let you know" she smiles. "But I also have a feeling that's not the whole reason you're here" she adds as I eye her confusedly.

"What do you mean?"

"When'd you come out?" she asks bluntly making my eyes widen.

"H-how did you? How do you? How?" I ask simply making her laugh as her chocolatey brown orbs lock on my shimmering blue ones.

"You checked me out earlier" she laughs lightly. "I'm flattered by the way." I blush and avert my eyes to the ground. "So?" she asks nudging my shoulder.

"Smackle is the only one who knows" I whisper as I bring my eyes back up to meet hers.

"Why?" she asks simply.

"I don't know" I sigh. "It's scary."

"Life is scary" she shrugs. "But sometimes the things that scare us are the things that make us feel most alive" she adds making me stare at her in awe. "What?" she asks, catching my gaze. I hadn't realized until now but we've stopped and everyone is moving around us. I take a step forward and press my lips to hers. She's the first girl I've ever kissed and in that moment I know for sure that no boy would ever make me feel like this. Riley was right, the things that scared us most definitely made us feel most alive. 

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