Riley's Wingman

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Riley's POV

Maya is always insisting that partying is the best way to spene a Friday night but I wasn't convinced in the slightest.

I'm standing by myself in the corner, drinking the same cup of beer I was handed when we got here three hours ago while watching my best friend grind on some random guy. I don't know what hurt more, watching her waste her time on boys that are only dancing with her because of her body and what they think she'll let them do to her or the fact that she has no idea that I'm in love with her.

"Wanna dance?" a random boy with blonde hair and a country drawl asks me. I bring my gaze to him and shake my head.

"Not really my type" I reply honestly before taking a sip of my beer while the boy chuckles.

"Well you're a pretty girl who's standing by herself in a room full of drunk idiots, at least let me protect you" he replies smoothly making me laugh. He didn't seem too bad and dancing with someone would be better than standing off to the side by myself all night. I put down my drink and take his hand, letting him lead me onto the dance floor.

He pulls me close placing his hands on my hips as he moves behind me. "So why aren't I your type princess?" he asks making me roll my eyes playfully at the nickname while I move my hips against his.

"You're a boy" I answer honestly as I hook my arm around his neck, dropping to the baseline.

"That kinda sucks for me" he replies as I turn to face him making me giggle. "So you got a girlfriend then?" he asks curiously but I shake my head.

"No" I sigh. "There's a girl I've liked forever but we're kinda best friends and she's far from interested" I explain as I run my fingers through my hair, continuing to dance on the stranger.

"How? You seem like a good time. I bet you're smart too" he adds making a blush rise on my cheeks.

"3.7 GPA not that I'm bragging" I tease making him laugh. "I'm Riley by the way."

"Lucas" he says simply. "So is the girl here?" he asks curiously as he scans the crowd.

"The blonde dancing to your right" I inform him, motioning my head causing him to glance over at Maya.

"She's gorgeous" Lucas says dazedly. I nod in agreement.

"Tell me about it" I sigh.

"Have you told her how you feel?" he asks curiously, bringing his gaze back to me while I shake my head no. A smile pulls at his lips as he shrugs his shoulders. "Well it's ten seconds to midnight Riley. Maybe you should take a chance" he suggests making my heart skip a beat with nerves.

He lets me go, kissing my cheek and motions for me to go over to Maya. I take a deep breath and walk over to my best friend. She's still in the middle of dancing with the random guy but after my talk with Lucas I'm feeling a new confidence that guides me to tap her on the shoulder.

"Maya" I interject causing her to turn to look at me.

"Riles" she exclaims.

"Cann we talk?" I ask bluntly, ignoring the guy that still had hopes of getting my best friend into bed before the clock struck twelve. She looks up to the guy and back at me before nodding. A smile pulls at my lips as I pull her away while the crowd starts to countdown from five seconds.

"What's up Riles?" she asks curiously when we get to a space quiet enough to hear one another.

"I love you" I say quickly causing her eyes to widen. "Like I'm so far past in love with you Maya" I continue, stumbling over my words I'm talking so fast.

"Riley I-" she starts but as the clock strikes twelve I lean forward and press my lips to hers. I expect her to pull away but she doesn't, her arms wrap around my neck and she deepens the kiss, her tongue exploring my mouth as we make out in the middle of the party. When she finally pulls back she's smiling. "I was gonna say I love you too" she laughs lightly. "I didn't think you felt the same way."

"I didn't think you did" I reply honestly making her giggle.

"What made you finally tell me?" she asks confused and over her shoulder I see Lucas smiling, giving me a thumbs up.

"A friend" I reply simply. "Now come on, let's get out of here" I add as I take her hand in mine, walking out of the party side by side with an overwhelming feeling of happiness.

This was going to be the best year yet.

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