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Riley's POV

It's the night before my family's roadtrip upstate where we'd be spending the last few days of summer at the cabin. There was a lake there we could swim in and plenty of trails for hiking. It was a trip I always looked forward to and this year was no different...especially because I had convinced my parents to let Maya come with us.

My parents were fine when I came out and admitted that I was in love with my best friend but immediately afterwards we had stopped being able to hang out alone. My parents knew we were no longer two innocent teenage girls hanging out but instead two hormone crazed teenage girls who had overwhelming urges to tear each other's clothes off.

Tonight was one of those nights. My parents thought that putting Maya in the couch would stop us but since both my parents were heavy sleepers we could get away with anything.

I throw my head back as Maya's lips close over my neck, sulking harshly and surely leaving a mark. I thread my fingers through her hair and a long moan falls from my lips. Her lips disconnect and she moves her hand to the apex of my thighs. "Do you want to?"

I nod and she smirks as she presses her palm against me. "Maya" I gasp as she quickly pulls off my shirt leaving me in my bra and pajama shorts. Her lips fall to the swell of my breasts and another moan tumbles out as she bites at my skin.

She continues to do this as she moves down my body until she reaches my pantyline. "Don't get too loud honey" she murmurs as she pulls them down my legs, leaving me completely bare at at her mercy.

~ 💋👄💋 ~

The next morning I wake up sated and sore. Maya definitely had her fun with me last night as she brought me to the point of bliss about half a dozen times.

I climb out of bed and walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a quick shower but as soon as I strip down my eyes widen. I had hickeys everywhere. They trailed down my neck, covered my chest, dotted the skin above my panties and were trailed up my thighs. "Fuck" I murmur. The memory of her lips sucking at my skin almost drives me to go find her and make her do it again while also frustrating me because there was no way I could swim this weekend.

I take a shower and pull on a yellow sundress before walking down the steps and finding my girlfriend at the table with my family. "Morning babe" she smiles.

"Morning" I reply, taking a seat beside her. She immediately puts her hand on my thigh and every few minutes it inches higher up.

"How'd you sleep last night?" Dad asks Maya. She smiles.

"Amazing. I was really tired" she smirks. I shovel food into my mouth, trying to stop the images of her fingers thrusting-.

"When are we leaving?" I ask, interrupting my thoughts.

"As soon as we're done eating" my mom laughs. "You're certainly hyper this morning."

I force a smile onto my face and finish my breakfast.

~ 💋👄💋 ~

The lake is beautiful...too bad I can't jump in. "Aren't you going swimming?" Maya asks as she stands in front of the couch in her bikini. My mouth goes dry at the sight of her chest spilling out of her top and her ass hanging out of the bottoms.

"I can't thanks to you" I snip. She laughs.

"Wear a one-piece."

I look over my shoulder to make sure my parents aren't anywhere in earshot before I speak. "You left hickeys everywhere" I argue. "My thighs are covered in them."

She chuckles. "Oops."

I throw a pillow at her and she laughs as my brother walks into the room. "Are you going swimming?" Auggie asks me but I shake my head.

"Not today."

He frowns and I sigh. If only I owned waterproof concealer.


"Babe wake up" Maya whispers, shaking me awake. I groan, rolling over.


She smirks. "Wanna go skinny-dipping?"

I say no yet somehow I end up naked under the stars swimming around with my girlfriend. She glides over to me and wraps her arms around my waist. "I'm sorry I gave you so many hickeys."

"You should be" I reply playfully. "But I guess I'll just have to repay the favor."

She quirks an eyebrow at me as I crash my lips onto hers before trailing them down her neck. Her legs wrap around my waist as I keep going until finally we decide to walk onto the beach. I lay her down on a patch of grass and begin my mission to cover her in hickeys just as she did to me.

"Riley" she sighs, throwing her head back when I finally give in and dip my head between her thighs to give her some sort of release.

It's not long though before my mission for revenge turns into us giving into our shared wants and needs. We take turns pleasuring each other under the stars only stopping when the sun begins to rise above us.

"We should probably get inside before your parents murder us."

I laugh, nodding my head. "At least we'll have the house to ourselves today since neither of us can go swimming" I smirk victoriously and she shakes her head.

"You're naughty" she scolds playfully and I laugh as she leans back in for one last kiss.

Thunder & Lightning: A Collection of Rilaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now