Three A.M.

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Happy Pride Month 🌈❤💛💚💙💜

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*Inspired by Sleepover by Hayley Kiyoko*

Maya's POV

"You wanna be friends forever, I can think of something better"

Having Riley over for sleepovers was something that I had been doing since middle school. Back then it was simple and easy being around the bubbly brunette but now it only got harder the more time we spent alone together.

"Maya" Riley says, interrupting my thoughts while I spin my friendship ring around my finger absentmindedly.

"Hm?" I ask, turning my attention to my best friend.

She nudges my shoulder with her own, a wide smile on her face. "You sorta spaced out on me" she says. "You okay?"

I force a smile onto my face and nod my head. "I'm fine."

She furrows her eyebrows at me and continues her intense stare while I try not to break and spill my feelings right then and there. "Riles" I laugh. "I promise."

This statement causes her features to relax before she reaches across my body and grabs my hand in her own. "Thunder?" she asks happily. I knew this was her way of letting me know that she'd always be there for a friend.

"Lightning" I reply immediately, ignoring the twinge in my heart.

Riley Matthews loved me but only as a friend and we would never be anything else.

"At least I got you in my head...sleepovers in my bed"

We settle into bed, me lying next to her just as we used to do as little girls and I watch as sleeps soundly beside me while my head comes up with a million different scenarios of what we could be doing instead of sleeping.

In my head she rolls over and kisses me. The kiss leads to me slipping my hand under her shirt...

I shake the thoughts away and carefully climb out of bed and move over to my window where I take a seat on the sill and look out at the buzzing evening outside.

I watch the people walk back and forth, getting so lost in making up stories for each and every one of them that I don't notice that Riley's woken up until she's sitting beside me.

"You know, I notice when you get up" she says, offering me a small smile as she leans onto the windowsill beside me.

"Sorry" I apologize softly. "I couldn't sleep."

"I noticed" she replies. "You've been having trouble sleeping during all our sleepovers lately. Is there something going on?" she asks worriedly.

I look at her and let out a deep breath. "I think I like you" I admit.

She giggles, taking my hand in hers. "Maya I like you too. We are best friends" she says, completely oblivious to the meaning I'm actually trying to convey.


"Girls" my mom interjects, peeking her head through my door. I pray she didn't just hear what I told Riley. I thought she had her suspicions but I hadn't officially come out to her yet.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" she asks, looking exhausted herself since she had just gotten home from working third shift at the diner.

I force a smile onto my face as I look at my mother. "Couldn't sleep."

"Oh okay. Well try to get some sleep, it's three in the morning" she yawns before continuing off to her bedroom.

"Yea" Riley smiles. "Come back to bed" she insists, grabbing my hand and pulling me back towards the mattress.

"Lying here right next to me but will you ever mess with me"

I watch as three o'clock ticks by, still unable to sleep while my mind races.

Being near her was just becoming too hard. I craved her in ways I had never experienced before and having her in my bed didn't make things easier.

Riley was straight and I could deal with that but we couldn't keep going on like this or our friendship would crash and burn. "I'm in love with you" I murmur.

The words feel good rolling off my tongue and they make me feel free. A smile tugs at my lips and I feel myself begin to relax until I hear her voice.

"I know" she whispers. My eyes widen as she turns to face me. "Do you feel better now?" she asks softly.

"I-I" I stutter.

She smiles, reaching up to caress my cheek. "Kiss me" she whispers.

My eyes widen but I don't wait for any further instruction before leaning forward and pressing my lips to hers.

The kiss is gentle and sweet...until Riley's hand slips behind my neck and she pulls me closer causing me to fall on top of her. "Riles" I murmur.

"No talking" she argues as her lips start trailing down my neck.

"But what does this mean?" I ask as I pull away from her.

She shrugs. "It means we're curious. I may not be in love with you but I've thought about this...about us. Don't overthink it Maya."

I laugh. "Isn't that usually my line."

She slaps me playfully. "Just kiss me."

"But tomorrow-."

"We'll talk" she smirks as her hands slide down to my ass. "But tonight you're gonna show me how much you love me."

Thunder & Lightning: A Collection of Rilaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now