Better Together

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*Inspired by: Sleep It Off by Niki & Gabi*

Maya's POV

"Somedays, a word can start a war"

"You were looking at her" Riley shouts as the door slams shut behind us. I roll my eyes, following after her.

"You're ridiculous! Why the hell would I look at someone else?" I demand angrily.

This was a usual occurrence when we went out on Friday nights. We'd be having a good time and a girl would look at me and somehow we'd lock eyes and Riley would get it in her head that I was "interested" in her.

"Are you kidding me?" she laughs unamusedly. "I seriously cannot believe you right now! I saw you looking at her, are you really going to sit here and act like you didn't?" she demands and I groan, throwing my hands up in defeat.

"You know what I am so done having this argument with you every single week. I don't know what more I can do to convince you that you're the only person I want to be with."

"Not looking at other girls would be a good start" she snips and I roll my eyes as my anger continues to bubble up inside me.

"Scream and yell at me, take it out on each other, this adrenaline we could use for the better"

"I'm done" I snap, brushing past her. "I'm going to bed" I add decisively. She scoffs and follows after me.

"Are you really just going to walk away?" she asks, "You're just going to go to sleep and act like we aren't having a conversation here?"

"A conversation?" I snap, turning back around to face her. "This isn't a fucking conversation Riles! This is an interrogation and I have no chance of winning against you. I did not look at that girl and instead of accepting that you're going to sit here and badger me about until what? I admit it? Because I'm not going to admit to something I didn't fucking do" I shout.

"Of course you didn't because these arguments are always my fault" she scoffs, rolling her eyes.

"They are your fault" I shout, stepping towards her. "You ruin every good night we have and I don't know why! Why is it impossible for us to go out and have a good time? I miss you Riles."

"Oh yea?" she asks, stepping towards me and effectively closing the distance between us. "Prove it" she murmurs and I waste no time in crashing my lips onto hers causing us to tumble back on the bed.

I knew sex wasn't going to fix our problems but at least it'd get her to shut up for a little while.

~ 💤😠💤 ~

"Let's call a truce inside each others arms 'cause it's a lie to think we're better off apart"

"Are you awake?" Riley asks as we lie in bed wrapped in each others arms. I nod, running my hand up and down her back.

"I'm up" I reply softly, feeling her exhale deeply against my chest.

"I have something I have to tell you" she whispers, gaining my attention and causing a small bit of worry to creep in.

"What's going on?" I ask carefully.

She leans up to look at me and brings her bottom lip between her teeth. "I got into Yale" she admits making my eyes widen in shock. I knew she had applied there to continue her law degree but I didn't think she was seriously considering it.

"That's uh a little far" I murmur and she nods.

"That's why I've been pushing you away" she admits, sitting up and looking at me. "I thought it would be better if you broke up with me because then we wouldn't have to have this conversation where we talk about long distance and if this is even worth the effort-."

"Hold on" I stop her, looking into her eyes intently. "Riley of course this is worth the effort! You're my girlfriend, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. You shouldn't have kept this from me and you certainly shouldn't have pushed me away" I insist, shaking my head at her.

She sighs, leaning forward and caressing my cheek. "I just don't want us to be one of those couples who think they can beat the odds and then end up breaking up because the distance was too much."

I shrug. "I guess we'll just have to stay together then" I reply decisively, making her eyes widen.

"What? No! Maya you can't give up your life here-."

I place my finger over her lips and shake my head at her. "I wouldn't be giving up anything. You are my life" I explain causing a blush to rise on her cheeks and I chuckle. "I love you Riles."

"I love you more" she murmurs, leaning forward to press her lips to mine.

Thunder & Lightning: A Collection of Rilaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now