An Extraordinary Couple

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Maya's POV

I hated studying. If it were up to me I'd just wing all my finals and call it a semester but of course with Riley in my life that's not really an option. We're sitting in her bedroom, her on the bay window and me sprawled out on her bed surrounded by flash cards and I groan as I toss my textbook onto the floor. "I'll never understand this so I don't understand why you won't just let it be" I complain and Riley rolls her eyes. 

"Because I have faith in you" she replies. "I know you can get it Peaches." I sigh. Her and her stupid optimism. It drove me insane yet it was something I loved about her...if that even made sense. 

"Girls" Topanga knocks on the barely open door. "What have I said about this door?" she asks, crossing her arms over her chest and I roll my eyes. Since Riley and I had figured out halfway through freshman year that it wasn't Huckleberry we liked, but each other, we had been together happily but it meant that our unsupervised sleepovers were over. 

I honestly didn't know what they were so worried about; it wasn't like I could get Riley pregnant. A part of me always wondered if despite their understanding of our relationship, if the thought of us being intimate weirded them out more than it would if it were say, Lucas sitting in her bedroom right now. 

"Mom it's open" Riley replies. "And we're just studying. We're not even near each other" she adds, pointing between us for emphasis. I suppress my thoughts, deciding not to mention that if it weren't for Riley's insistence we most certainly wouldn't be studying right now. 

"Okay" she concedes, putting up her hands in surrender. "Your father and I are going to the grocery store because your brother just informed me that he has to bring a snack for his class' potluck tomorrow" she explains with a roll of her eyes. I chuckle. That sounded like Auggie. "Please behave while we're gone" she pleads. 

We both nod in agreement and with that she walks out of the room, leaving us alone and as soon as the front door opens and slams shut Riley jumps out of bed and shuts her bedroom door before collapsing onto the bed with me. "I have an idea."

I quirk an eyebrow at her. "Ooookay" I draw out, noting the small space that was now left between the two of us. It would take no effort at all to learn forward and kiss her. "Care to share?"

As if the girl was reading my mind she leans forward and presses a kiss to my lips. My eyes flutter shut and  cup her cheek, guiding her that much closer as I swipe my tongue across her bottom lip. She trembles under my touch as she opens her mouth to me and wraps her arms around my neck. I drop my hand from her cheek as our kiss intensifies and I turn my attention to the hem of her shirt but before I can lift it even an inch above her waistline she pulls back from the kiss abruptly and giggles. "Uh uh" she shakes her head. "You wanna touch then you have to study."

I stare at her as if she's lost her goddamn mind. "What?"

"I'm quizzing you and if you get ten right then you can do whatever you want" she smirks. I stare at her with my mouth hanging open. She was an evil temptress, she had kissed me to get me all riled up and just when we were getting to the good part she adds a stipulation. 

"Are you serious?"

She giggles, nodding her head. "Yes and I want to fool around as much as you do so you better take this seriously" she adds as she climbs off the bed and reaches into her nightstand for her stack of notecards that she had made herself. The notecards that were complete with highlighted color keys. I was doomed. 

"We're gonna do English" she explains, sitting across from me. "To be or not to be is a quote from what famous Shakespearean play?" she asks. I roll my eyes. This was an easy one. 

"Hamlet" I reply automatically. 

She smiles. "See, you can do this" she says proudly before asking me another slew of questions until finally I've answered nine questions correctly despite stumbling over a couple. She scoots closer and places her hand on my thigh and I swallow harshly in anticipation of what's to come if I can get this last question right. "What famous literary couple would you compare us to?" she asks abruptly and my eyebrows furrow, taken aback from the question. 

"I don't think that's going to be on the test" I argue but she simply shrugs. 

"Maybe I just want to hear what you think" she replies. I bring my bottom lip between my teeth and gaze into her eyes thoughtfully thinking over her question until I find the perfect response. 


She looks at me confusedly. "W-what? Not one couple?"

I shake my head, leaning forward to caress her cheek. "Riles, you and I are unique. There is no one like us. We have an extraordinary relationship that deserves a novel dedicated to it, that other couples can compare to. There has never in the history of the world been any relationship like ours because I promise you, there is no one like you."

Tears form in her eyes as she leans in and presses her lips to mine in a tender kiss. I pull her closer and we fall back onto the bed while my hands slowly find their way to the waistband of her jeans. "I love you" I murmur, staring up at her as my fingers pop open the buttons. 

"I love you too" she agrees as she leans back down to kiss me and for the rest of the afternoon we stay tangled in sheets expressing our love in ways that words never could express. 

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