My Roommate's Girlfriend

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*Inspired by: I Found a Girl by The Vamps*

*A/N: It's told from Lucas' point of view but I promise its Rilaya centric*


Lucas' POV

"This girl moved into my apartment. One look at her, my heart was stopping"

"I heard you needed a roommate" a bright brunette smiles as she plops down in the seat beside me. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. I swear I put on the sign that I was looking for a male roommate and the girl sitting beside me was a prime example of why. There was no way I would be able to keep myself from falling for her.

"Um" I stutter, hitting my pencil against my cheek. "A male roommate" I clarify. She shrugs, throwing her hair over her shoulder.

"Semantics" she waves off. "If you were that desperate you'd take my offer" she points out. She leans against the table putting her chest on full display and it takes all of my self-control not to let my eyes spend too much time on her boobs.

"Why are you so desperate?" I question, focusing on her chocolate brown eyes.

"My last arrangement didn't end well" she shrugs. I furrow my eyebrows at her in confusion. "Don't give me that face" she giggles. "I promise it's nothing bad. It just made my last roommate uncomfortable."

I should tell her no, it's the logical thing to do but I can't. She's drop dead beautiful and I want nothing more than to live in the same small space as her. "Okay" I give.

"Good" she smiles victoriously. "Send me the address. I'll move in this weekend. Is it okay if my girlfriend helps?" I shrug.

"I don't see why not" I smile. "But I'm gonna need your number" I add smoothly. Her smile turns to a playful smirk as she grabs a pen from her purse.

"Gimmie your hand" she instructs. I do so willingly, allowing her to write her phone number on my hand. When she's done she dramatically clicks the pen and shoots me a bright grin.

"See you later Lucas" she smiles. I laugh, realizing she knows my name from the flyer but I had no idea what her name was.

"And you?" I shout back.

"Riley" she spins around to tell me. "Later roomie."

"Later" I shout back, my head filling with possibilities.

"I found a girl, who's in love with a girl"

On Saturday afternoon I'm sitting around my apartment when the front door opens and Riley walks in with a stunning blonde on her heels. "Hi roomie" Riley exclaims brightly.

"Hey Riles" I smile as I stand up and make my way over to join them. "You find the place okay?" I ask hopefully.

"Yea" she laughs, "with some help from my human GPS" she adds, nudging the blonde. "Lucas, this is Maya."

"Nice to meet you" I smile, holding my hand out to her. She rolls her eyes but takes my hand nonetheless. "Your room is down the hall" I point making Riley's face light up.

"I should probably go check it out" Maya says dramatically, "you know since I'll practically live in there" she smirks. Riley blushes harshly and my eyebrows furrow in confusion. "You don't mind right?" Maya asks.

My head is spinning. "I'm sorry. Mind what?" I ask confused.

Maya laughs, looking at Riley. "I thought you told him."

"I did" she replies defensively. "Lucas, me having a girlfriend isn't a problem is it?" she asks and that's when it hits me. She wasn't talking about a girl who was also a friend. Maya was her girlfriend, as in a romantic partner. Oh.

"Of course not" I reply even though my heart has sunk to the bottom of my chest. So much for having a live in girlfriend.

"Good" Riley claps excitedly. "This is gonna be awesome" she exclaims making Maya chuckle as she looks at her girlfriend adoringly.

"Yea" I agree. "Amazing" I add weakly. Riley doesn't press my sudden odd behavior before bouncing out of the apartment to head down to get her stuff but her girlfriend does.

"You didn't know did you?" she calls me out. I chuckle.

"I thought she meant a girl who's a friend, not" I trail off.

"That she enjoys kissing the same gender you do" she replies making me chuckle as I nod. "It's okay. She's beautiful right?" she asks. I nod because who was I to disagree. The girl was absolute perfection. "I promise you'll get over her" she assures me. "And now you have two wing girls at your disposal" she smiles. I laugh. "You really are okay with this right? Because her last roommate" she trails off but I shake my head.

"It's fine. I would never kick her out because of who she dates" I insist. "Just as long as you both go out with me tonight to help me find someone else to keep me busy" I add making Maya laugh.

"Deal" she smiles as Riley bursts back into the room.

"Everything okay?" she asks hopefully, a large box in her hands.

"Everything's perfect honey" Maya assures her girlfriend. "Let's finish unpacking the car. We have plans tonight." Riley's eyes flash with excitement.

"Beat you to the car" she smirks before bursting out of the apartment. I laugh as I watch her go with Maya trailing slowly behind her.

She turns to face me, "you coming?" I laugh, following after the couple.

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