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I get up early the next day and wake up DJ. “Come on man, get up.”

He groans “I hate you man”

“I know I own you one.” We get ready and head over to the basketball court. When we arrive we get some attention, we take some photos with fans and sign some autographs, nothing new. I see John and go to him. “Hey, so what’d she say?”

“She’s pissed. But she’ll do it”

I look around but I don’t see her anywhere. “So where is she?”

“Well like I said, she’s pissed so she’s not here. I’m sure she’ll show up”

DJ and I hang around for a while before we start playing, just when I thought she wasn’t gonna show up I see her coming in. She looked beautiful, she had short jeans with a white long sleeve floral shirt and a brown bag. I’m usually attracted to blond but the fact that she know I’m rich and doesn’t want me makes me want to have her. I go to her smiling but her face is serious.

“I thought you weren’t going to show up.” I say in a cocky way dribbling the basketball.

“Don’t get cocky, I didn’t show up for you.” She crosses her arms and looks up at me and I smirk at her. She rolls her eyes and says “I hope you lose.”

“Whoa, the deal wasn’t if I won. It was if I showed up period.” She doesn’t say anything. “You look nice” she sighs and sits with her sisters. I shrug at Deandre, I will never understand women.

The game is in a tie with only 10 seconds left. In the other team was JJ Barea and Carlos Arroyo. Out of nowhere Deandre steals the ball, I run as fast as I can. DJ throws the alley oop and I dunk the ball and hear the buzzer. Everyone cheers and I walk over to Kara.

“So, where are we going?”

“You want to do this now? Aren’t you tired?”

“No, this was nothing compared to the NBA games.”

“I don’t know. I’m not into the whole dinner at a restaurant cliché so…”

“Good, neither am I. How ‘bout some ice cream?”


“All right, I’ll go shower. Meet you at the bar?” she nods and I run to the hotel.


Kara’s P.O.V.

I was waiting for Blake at the bar so we can get this deal over with. My sisters are with me teasing me. “The girl who doesn’t like rich people is going out with a millionaire” Kira says

“Shut up, it’s not cause I want to”

“But you do want to. Admit it I saw you checking him out at the volleyball game yesterday.”

“Whatever.” Just then he enters the bar and says hello to my sisters while the kids just scream “Blake!” and run to him.

“Hey guys!” He looks over at me “You ready?”

I hesitate a little but react fast “yeah”

“Where are you going?” Thomas, the middle one, asks.

“Um… We’re going to get some ice cream.” I say

“Can we go? Mommy, please?!” Simon says excited.

I look at Kora and she looks at Blake. “I don’t mind.” Blake says. Whew thank God, I did NOT want to be with this guy alone.

“Okay but stay close your aunt ok? And do whatever she tells you to”

“Okay mom.”

We head to the park, the kids finish eating their ice creams and go play on the slides, while Blake and I watch them from a bench still eating our ice creams.

“God! I feel like I was in that court for 5 hours!”

He laughs “The game was only an hour”

“Really? It felt longer. Man I hate basketball”

“What? It’s the best sport there is!” He says shocked

“I’m sorry! It’s just- it’s boring.”

“No it’s not”

“Yes it is” I chuckle

“It’s not”

“Whatever” I say and I lick my ice cream.

He chuckles “So how old are you?” he didn’t hesitate to ask.


“20?!” he coughs.

His cough made me think he thought I was older. “How old are you? 30?”

“Ouch, I’m 23 and I was going to say you look younger” he chuckles.


“How old are the kids?”

“Lucas is 11, Thomas 8, and Simon’s 4. And before you keep asking. Kira’s 18, Kora’s 30, John’s 32 and my older brother Marcus is 36.”

“Why’d your parents wait 10 years to have you after Kora?”

“They didn’t… I had 2 more brother, Danny was 25, and there was Ben too… he was 34. They died in the army” My eyes watered.

“I’m sorry to hear that”

“What about you?” I shake it off, trying to forget.

“Well, I have and older brother, he’s 27 and he’s married"


"So why don't you get along with rich people?"

I don't respond fast "Cause, they think the can do whatever the hell they want just because they have money. I mean, do you know how many kids die from hunger? And all they do is, buy new cars and more houses" he doesn't say anything. "It's getting late, we should head back."

We head back to the bar and ask the kids to get in the SUV. “Bye, Blake”

“Bye guys. Had a good time” the boy get inside ad close the doors.

“So…” I say turning to him. “That’s it, the deals done.”

“I guess”

“Okay, see you around” I get in the SUV and go home with the kids.

I was thinking about the conversation I had with Blake at the park about my brothers and couldn’t sleep. All I thought about was memories of my brothers. I decided to take a walk on the beach. See if I could think about something else.

I Didn't Want To Love HimWhere stories live. Discover now