100 (Feeling Guilty)

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Blake's P.O.V.

As soon as we got dressed we went downstairs to listen to Kara's aunt's speech. It was a very moving speech it brought tears to everyone, even I almost cried. Kara went to the kitchen after that and I went to look for the other kids.

"Hi baby girl" I tell Emma as I pick her up and kiss her cheek.

"Oh look, he cares" Kora said as she stood behind me with her arms crossed

"Kora not now, I said I was sorry.

"Well I'm not ready to forgive"

"Then it's a good thing you're not the one who has to"

"She may act like it, but she'll never forgive you for what happened. You and I both know she's not the type to forgive"

"I know I was a dick for leaving, but I just needed to take a break from all the fighting"

"Who's talking about you leaving?"

"What else are we talking about?"

"Oh my God, you don't know"

Curiosity hit me fast "Know what?"

"I shouldn't be the one to tell you"

"Tell me Kora, you know that if she doesn't want me to know she won't tell me"

"Fine, but you should talk to her about it"


Kara's P.O.V.

 I went to the kitchen to get something to drink, after that speech I just went to my "hide out place" if you want to call it. To be honest I kind of miss that treehouse. I cried from all the memories of my brother and I, he didn't spend that much time with us the past couple of years but we still loved him. I was laying on the floor of the treehouse and suddenly I hear someone call my name, but I had to be hearing things, no one know about this place except me and Thomas. I decide to take a peak outside only to see Sam.

"Sam? What are you doing here?" I asked curious.

"I came to see if you were okay"

"How did you find me?"

"It's gonna sound creepy but I followed you"

"It doesn't sound creepy, it is creepy"

"Sorry, you just looked upset and left so fast I wanted to make sure you were fine"

It was starting to rain and I wasn't gonna leave him outside to get drained in water so I invite him in.

"Nice place you got here"


"Did you make this?"

"Yep, I used to run away from home a lot and found this tree with half a treehouse so I finished it. Ever since I've always wondered who started it and why they didn't get to finish it"

" Even I'm curious about it too and it's the first time I've seen it. How about I help you find out who it was?"

"And how do you plan on doing that? The only way to do it is by telling people about it and I don't want that"

"I can ask discreetly"

"Why?" I asked

"Well I like to help people... and I like you" he stared at me.

His green eyes drove me insane, it's like he hypnotized me with them. I quickly snap out of it and stare at the floor trying not to look at him.

"We should probably get back" I tell him

"It's pouring, we should stay here until it stops" I had toget out of there, I know I'm gonna get tempted. "So I heard your husband's back"

"Yeah, he got here today. Can we please not talk about him?" I know we had make up sex but I was still mad at him.

"Sure um, how are the kids?"

"You know I'm curious of why you're interseted in me... Most guys run when they know the girl has a kid and I have four, so..."

He chuckles "Not all of us are the same... Do you think your husband would've ran if those kids weren't his?"

I give a moment of silence. "Probably" I whisper

"Sounds like a dick" he sits closer to me.

"Yep" I say but making sure I don't look at him. "So uh, nice weather right?" I change the subject awkwardly.

"It's raining"

"Yeah, I love the rain" I start talking fast, just like I always do when I'm nervous "It's kind of relaxing, you know good to watch movies and stuff--" and just like that he crushed his lips on to mine and regrettably I kissed back. I instantly knew what I was doing and broke the kiss "I'm sorry, I can't" I stand up and go outside to the rain.

"Wait Kara, I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that"

"I'm just-- we should go back, people are gonna be wondering where we are"


**At home

"Kara, where were you? Why are you soaking wet?" Kora asked

"Gee I don't know Kora, maybe cause it's raining? I'm gonna go get a shower"

"Blake's up in your room waiting for you" she gave a strange look

"What's wrong?" she didn't respond "What happened?"

"Why didn't you tell him?"

"I was going to but then you knocked on the door for the speech... Kora, you didn't tell him did you?"

She didn't respond quickly "He wouldn't stop bugging me"

I raise my voice "It doesn't matter Kora!! I'm the one who's supposed to tell him that!! Jesus" I run to my room to talk to Blake. "Blake?" I call for him as I opened the door "Blake?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked from the bed "And why are you wet?"

God! What is it? Stupid question day? "I was outside. I'm sorry, I was going to tell you but that was when Kora came looking for us"

"You should've told me as soon as you saw me"

"I'm sorry" my eyes started to form tears

"I killed him, this is all my fault"

"What? No, this isn't your fault"

"He's dead because of me"

I begin to cry "No baby it's not your fault" I go to him and comfort him as he cried on my chest

"Our baby is dead because of me, I never should've left"

"It's not your fault. You being there wouldn't have stopped me from fainting" I said tearfully.

"But I could've done something. Instead you woke up to a panicked Tyler and three other kids crying" I start crying again.

"It's gonna be okay" I know I didn't plan for this baby but losing it broke my heart all the same...


Hey guys I reached the 100th chapter! Thank you so much for the support you guys are the ones who make me keep writing :D

Oh and on the right is an idea of what Sam looks like (picture) ----------->

Thanks again!! XOXO

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