58 (Blake's b-day?)

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Kara’s P.O.V.

**Two months later:

When I went to the Clippers game on Tyler’s birthday I kind of got attention because of the ring, so every time I went out all the questions were about when the big day was. Of course I didn’t know when that was going to be, I was happy just the way we were marriage was just a ring on the finger. Anyways I didn’t have time for that, Emma’s first birthday was coming up and I had no idea what to do.

“Hey” Blake says entering the kitchen and giving me a kiss on the cheek

“Hi” I was on the table reading the newspaper.

“So? You decided anything yet?”

“Man, I have no idea. I’m not really in the mood to make a party. I’ve been getting worse lately”


“He kicks me 24/7. I can barely sleep” I was so exhausted

“I’m sorry… or am I?” I know he was more calm about who the dad was but he still made jokes I didn’t like.

“Don’t start with that shit Blake, I’m not in the mood”

“It was a joke, relax”

“You can’t tell a Puerto Rican woman to relax, it’s a waste of time. You know maybe he isn’t yours and he’s as bad as his dad and that’s why I’m like this” I say standing up from the table and leaving.

“Oh yeah, that’s funny!” he was pissed about it. My mission was complete.

“Screw you!” he follows me

“What did I do?” he pulls my arm

“I’m tired, exhausted and you make this stupid jokes all the time! You say you don’t mean it or that you don’t care but I know you do but I’m sick of it!” I said tearfully

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad” he said calmly

“Just stop with the jokes… They’re not funny. I know this baby’s yours, you’re the only one with a doubt.”

“Not really” I gave him a death glare when he said that “Mom asked me on Tyler’s birthday. I didn’t want say anything cause I didn’t want to upset you”

“What did you say?” I asked


What did you say Blake?” I demanded

“I told her it was mine” I sit on the stairs

“We’re never gonna be fine until this baby is born” I admit

“Well we only got three months left” he sits next to me “I love you, and I love this baby. I don’t even care anymore… yes I’m curious, but can you blame me?”


“I will raise him as if he were mine, I just want to know”

“I know… just no more jokes”

“Done… Maybe he is mine, I mean look at you” he pointed at my big belly.

“I would probably be dead”

“Maybe he’ll come out walking already or running if he’s kicking you all the time”

“Oh my God shut up” I laugh

“What are we gonna do about Emma’s birthday?”

“Just us four, I’m really not in the mood. And besides, she’s not gonna remember it”

“You sure?” I think about it for a while but this pregnancy was really bad, I could barely sleep or eat and I didn’t want anyone asking questions.


“All right then”

**3 months later:

Today was Blake’s birthday, thankfully this past month I felt better. I ate better and slept a lot too. First thing I did when I woke up was have breakfast and eat ice cream

“You’re eating ice cream at this hour?” Blake asks entering the kitchen looking nice, he had a game today.

“I’m pregnant, sue me”

He chuckles. “Where are the kids?”

“Still sleeping”

“You sure you don’t want me to stay? I can call in sick”

“Blake, I’m pregnant not dying, go have fun it’s your birthday. It’s not every day you turn 25”

“But you’re due any day now”

“I’m fine”

“Okay, call me or Amber if you need anything”

“I will” we kiss and off he goes to his game.


He had a pretty good game, it was good they won, unlike last year where they lost on his b-day. So he was gonna come home happy.

“Hey, where’s my boy?” he asked picking up Tyler

“You know you have a daughter too right?” I joked standing behind him

“I know. Daddy’s little girl, come here” he opens his arms so she would walk to him and she did, all on her own. “How you feeling?” he asks me

“I’m fine, congratulations”

“Thanks” he puts his free hand around me. He was acting pretty weird so I knew something was up

“Okay, let’s hear it”

“Hear what?”

“You must want something if you’re acting like this”

“I can’t fool you can I?”


He laughs. “They guys wanted to come here, have a birthday party”

“What are you six? You don’t have birthday parties anymore, just parties”

“True” he pouts his lips

“Fine, but you’re not drinking” I point at him, warning him he’ll get in trouble with me.



The night came and the guys were having fun while us girls watched the kids outside.

“So are you nervous?” Amber asks me

“You have no idea”

“We’re talking about the baby right?”

“Why else would I be nervous?” I asked confused

“Who the dad is”

“No, I’m not worried about that”

“I just can’t wait for little Jake to be here”

“Yeah me neither, I just want to get this over with.” I groan “I gotta pee again, can you keep an eye on the kids?”

“Of course” I go inside to go to the bathroom, the boys were just being boys watching game and drinking.

“You okay?” Blake asks

“Yeah I just need to pee”

“Okay” he kisses me and goes back to the guys. Surprisingly he didn’t stink of alcohol, it’s good to know he kept his word. I go to the bathroom and do what I have to do and after that… well let’s just say it wasn’t pee. The only thing I had on my mind was, that I couldn’t have this kids today, this was Blake’s day, I couldn’t ruin it, I can’t have this baby today…


Sorry I speed things up, I just had no idea what to write... 

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