158 (Outsmarted)

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Kara's P.O.V.

I wake up a bit skeptcial by what Blake said. Why the hell now? What took him so long to realize it?

I was thinking about it all day, it felt so strange to me. He's never taken my side when it comes to her. He had a game tonight and he was already gone for his game. Tyler and Emma love to see them play. but because I have three more little ones I can't take them to see the games... I feel bad because, of course, I want them to see their dad play but, it is what it is.

I'm still freaked out about what happened, and I didn't feel safe in that house anymore. Ever since Tyler was born I've asked Blake to look for a smaller house but all he does is ignore me... Since that scare I'm starting to see Eric all around the house, why?! Why now?! It's been like 6 months since he took his own life... I'm afraid lo go to sleep, I'm afraid for my kids... I only feel safe when Blake's around. I want him here all the time, but I don't to tell him and sound all clingy. I want to tell him about me seeing Eric, but I don't think telling him I see my psycho, dead ex walking around is a good idea...

God! I don't know what to do, I feel like I'm going crazy...

"Mommy?" Tyler tugs my shirt... "Can I wait up for daddy?"

"Sure, the game's over so he should be arriving anytime soon. But let's get you ready so he can tuck you in when he comes home"


A couple of minutes after I get all of them ready, typical, Blake arrives... I feel like he always does this! He always stays more time over there so he doesn't have to help with the kids...  

"Hey" Blake says walking inside the house.

"Hi..." I throw some dirty clothes in the kids laundry hamper. "Is there ever gonna be a day where you come straight home after a game to help me with the kids? Or are you gonna keep avoiding it?"

"Oh come on Kara. You know I have post game interviews"

"That last what? A minute? I have to bathe and clothe 5 kids, on my own!"

"You know, you shouldn't be talking to me like that"

"Excuse you?!" When in the hell has he ever talked to me like that? "You know what? Go, your son is waiting for you so you can tuck him in"


"What is the matter with you tonight?" I open the closet and let out a small scream at the sight of Eric.


"Nothing. I just.... forgot to pick up the kids toys"

"So what?"

"Nothing... Why are you acting like such an ass?"

"We'll talk about that later, because believe me... we need to talk"

Um... this usually isn't good new in any relationship but we haven't fought about anything lately except for the fact that he defended his aunt, but according to him he's not taking her side anymore.

"About what?"

"We'll talk about it later" he leaves to tuck Tyler... What the hell has got him so upset? I mean, he was fine yesterday and this morning. I take a shower and go to bed to wait for Blake but I fall asleep.


"Wake up!" I jump, being startled by Blake.

"Jesus Christ Blake, are you trying to kill me?"

"Let's talk..."

"Ugh, can't it wait till tomorrow?" I fall back into the bed.

"No! It can't"

"God! What the hell? What?! Just tell me Blake, 'cause I'm no mind reader!"

"How stupid do you think I am?"


"I decide to stand by you this time and you play me like a fool?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask confused.

"You really think I wouldn't find out?" he pulls out his phone to show me a report on TMZ Sports that read "The Perfect Wife, Not So Perfect" and it was about me. They considered me perfect? Why? I feel so dysfunctional all the time... But that wasn't the worst of it, there was a picture of me at the door and the man Cynthia hired to hurt me leaving the house... She outsmarted me this time, this was her plan all along....


Damn, things aren't looking good right now. What action will Blake take? Will he leave Kara?

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