119 (Meeting up)

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Kara's P.O.V.

I go back home hoping Blake was gone, and he was. I go inside and all the kids were asleep already but Amber was still here.

"Hey, sorry about that whole scenario" I apologized

"It's okay... how are you?"

"Numb. I don't even know what I'm feeling"

"I'm sorry"

"Where's Blake?" I ask hoping she says that he left.

"I told him to leave, and that he was an asshole. I stayed to make sure you came back okay... Kara I'm so sorry you must be devastated"

"I thought we could make it work" I whisper. "But he went too far. I mean, Brynn? Really?"

"What are you going to do?"

"I guess I'll sign the papers... God! We're gonna be worse than Kim K. and Kris Humphries" we both chuckle lightly

"I'm sorry for what you're going through"

"I'll be okay" I exhale "I got the kids to keep me going"

"If you need anything or if you want someplace to stay you know where I am"

"Thanks Amber. And thank you for staying" we hug and say our goodbyes.

I go take a quick shower and after I go to bed. I wanted to sleep but all I could do was replay this disasterous night over and over and over again. The hurt, the betrayal, the emptiness, the loneliness... I felt like I was going crazy. But what made me even more angry is that Blake knowing he slept with Brynn he still had sex with me. I get a couple of hours sleep until hearing the kids downstairs woke me up... I head down there to see what's going on.

"Good morning" Gloria said

"Morning" I look to my right and see Blake. I quickly turn my head, I didn't want to see him at all.

"We're taking them to IHOP, want to come?" she asked

"No it's okay you guys go, I gotta take care of something." 

"Is it okay if we take Tyler and Emma?"

"Um.." I didn't like the idea of being away from them, especially when she had to look after other kids too but I have to start letting go cause if I don't I'll get extremly attached, both me and the kids. "Sure" I say insecure.

"I understand how you feel" she said letting me know she's a mom too "Don't worry, I'll take good care of them"

"Thank you" they all head outside to the cars.

"Hey Blake you coming?" Matt asked him from the door.

"Yeah in a minute" he said as he looked at me... "Kara--"

"Don't. Get the hell out." I tell him as I point to the door.

"Can we tal--"

"No! Get out. I can't even be in the same room as you right now" without wanting to he walks away.

"I'll keep an eye on the kids"

"Yeah you do that. Make sure one of them doesn't end up in the hospital" I try to make him feel bad. It was gonna a long day for me because after breakfast they're gonna go to a movie and play in the arcade. So since it was just me with the twins I decide to give Eric a call... He said he was free so we decide to meet at the park...


When I arrive he was already there waiting for me in a park bench.

"Hey" I call out

"Hey, how are you?" Eric asked

"I'm great" I lie. I didn't want to talk to him about my problems right now... "You?"

"Fantastic. So.... these are your twins" he says as we sit down on the bench

"Yes, this is Jake the one we knew about and Maggie the one that came out as a surprise" he chuckles. I gotta admit, he looked hotter than ever with that dirty blond har and those blue eyes, that full on beard and mustache and his tall figure that I always loved.

"How old are they?"

"They'll be six months next week"

"Oh nice... is it scary?"

"What?" I thought he changed the conversation.

"Finding out you're gonna have a kid"

"A little, or a lot. Especially the first one where you don't know what the hell you're doing" I laugh. "Don't you ever plan on having kids and settle down?"

"Come on, you know I'm not the dad type"

"So? I wasn't the mom type and now I have 4 kids"

"Yeah but you always wanted kids"

"No I didn't, I have no idea what it's like to be loved by a mother. I used to pray to not have kids"

"That's true" he laughs "I remember that one time we--" I stopped knowing it was gonna be awkward "Sorry I didn't mean to bring out the past"

"It's okay. It's not like we didn't have some good times" I flirt very awkwardly.

"Listen, you want to go out tonight? Santa Monica Pier?" I know I'm dealing with a lot, but maybe he can get my mind of everything for a while. "Not like a date but you know, two old friends catching up?"


"Cool... No one's gonna beat me up right?"

I laugh and respond "No"

"So should I pick you up?"

"It's probably not a good idea. I'll meet you"

"Okay... so I know you're this big deal now, but how about we keep the food classy?... We can eat hot dogs" I start laughing.

"That is classy"

"Oh come on, you know how much you love hot dogs, maybe even go to the movies after?" Eric has always known I'm not one for fancy dinners and he knows how much I love movies.

"All right you got me" I chuckle.

"So 7?"

"Sure" my phone start to ring after that and when I see the caller ID it was Blake "Oh, kids are home, I gotta go. See you tonight"

"See ya"

I grab the twins stoller and go on home. I agreed to go out, but how do I convince Blake to look after the kids without him finding out Eric was in LA? I wouldn't mind telling him I was going to the Santa Monica Pier with a friend, he had no right to say anything since we haven't been together for a month. But if he finds out it's Eric, there's gonna be hell. And not only that but he could use it as an excuse to take custody of the kids......


Uh-oh, things aren't looking so good!!  :S

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