80 (Forgive)

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Kara’s P.O.V.

My sisters and I were on our way home. I really wanted some rest, I didn’t want no drama.

Kira: “So, is he gonna be okay?”

“Yeah, he woke up and he looked okay”

Kira: “But we can see him tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah he just needed to rest today. I warned Blake not to play with, I hope he listened”

Kora: “So is Cynthia at your house?”

“Unfortunately, but I don’t want any trouble. I just want to get my kids and get some sleep”

Kora: “Kira and I will take care of the kids, you just get some rest”

“You sure?”

Kira: “Yeah! Besides we don’t get to see the little guys every day. And we can stay with them tomorrow too while you check on Tyler.”

“Thanks guys” I smile




Cynthia’s P.O.V.

I was at Blake’s house with Gail and Tommy who were taking care of Blake’s kids. I left the hospital after Kara started yelling at me, she’s going through a hard time and I didn’t have to make it worse. We hear a car pull up and I thought it was Blake, but when the door opened Kara and her sisters walked in.

“Kara?” I called

Kara: “Cynthia don’t start I’m not in the mood”

“No, please listen to me”

Kara: “Not tonight”

Kira: “Just leave her alone. Haven’t you done enough?”

With that Kara goes upstairs. I was mad for her hitting me the way she did. She had no respect for people older than her, but I did push her to hard. I guess I’ll see if I can talk to her tomorrow…

**Next Morning:

I woke up early, I smelled pancakes so I’m guessing Gail made breakfast. I go downstairs to the kitchen and see Kara feeding Emma.

“Good morning” I said

“Morning” she looked a bit annoyed.

“You made breakfast?”


“Kara, I wanted to apologize to you” she looked away. She didn’t want to talk “If you don’t want to talk to me I understand, I just need you to listen… I’m sorry, I crossed the line. I just thought you weren’t good enough for Blake and I was wrong. I though you wanted to marry him but I just found out it was the other way around”

“I told you that!”

“I know, but I didn’t want to believe you. You should marry him he’s a good man”

“I know” she sounded like she was gonna cry “That’s why I wanted to marry him.”

“And you should. Listen, I’ll butt out. I deserved the beating you gave me but he is so happy with you and the kids”

“You didn’t deserve that. You just reminded me of my mom and I snapped… I’m sorry”

“Are you going to the hospital?”

“As soon as I’m done feeding Emma”

“I would like to go and speak to Blake, and you should tell him you love him”


Blake’s P.O.V.

**At Hospital:

I woke up but Tyler was still sleeping. He wanted to play last night but I did what Kara told me to. I couldn’t play so we just talked and he used a coloring book. I was waiting for her to come so I could go eat some breakfast

“Hey” speaking of her “He awake?” she whispered.

“Not yet”

“Okay, go get some breakfast, I’ll stay with him”

“Okay, you want anything?”

“No I’m fine… Your aunt is in the cafeteria, she wants to talk to you”

“About what?” I asked

“I don’t know”

“All right, let me know if you need anything” I kiss her forehead and go look for my aunt



I enter the cafeteria and see my aunt alone at a table. I go sit with her to see what she wanted to talk to me about.

“Hey, Aunt Cynthia, you okay?”

“Yes. We brought you some breakfast”

We?” I asked since my parents weren’t here

“Me and Kara”

“You and Kara? You came here together?”

“It’s complicated.”

“So what did you want to talk to me about?” I asked her while I ate.

“I talked to Kara this morning”


“The two of you… I told her to marry you”

“No, no you can’t push her like that”

“She said she wanted to”

“Yes, I know she told me but we had a fight and I guess she changed her mind”

“I’m sorry for meddling in your life. It was not my place and none of my business. I thought she didn’t love you but if she put through everything I did to her she must love you a lot. You should forgive her for what she did to me, she was only protecting her son you can’t blame her for that”

“I was gonna leave her but… I can’t live without her”

“I promise not to meddle in your life anymore. Even though she did what she did to me, she’s a nice woman. Don’t let her go”

I don’t know what got into my aunt but I liked the fact she was looking for peace with Kara. After that talk I go back to the room.

“You eat?” she asks but I don’t answer. Instead I make my way to her, pick her up and kiss her “Okay? What just happened?” she asked

“I love you” even though we were at the hospital she wraps her legs around my waist so she wouldn’t fall. Besides we were alone and Tyler was asleep.

“What’s gotten into you?” she asked



“Marry me”


“You were already going to. Why can’t you do it again? Why are you holding back?”

“I’m scared” she whispered

“Of getting hurt? Kara, we’re probably gonna get hurt. Hell! We already have, you’ve gotten hurt, I’ve gotten hurt and look at us… we’re still together. Do you love me?”


“Then marry me, cause I can’t live without you”

Her eyes water and she smiles “yes” she whispers.


“I’ll marry you” I don’t need to hear anything else I just give her a deep kiss to seal it.


Do I hear wedding bells?! You guys think she'll go through it this time? :D

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