47 (Feeling's We Never Lost)

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Blake’s P.O.V.

After that kiss I just wanted to take her right there, but of course we were in a public place so I couldn’t, but more than that I knew she wasn’t ready. I wanted to give her some space and time so she can be sure about it. I stop kissing her soft, perfect lips and go back inside to the party to sing happy birthday, after that Kara was tired so we went home, everybody else stayed at the party.

“Hi, everything went okay?” Kara asks the babysitter

“Yeah, everything went perfect. They’re upstairs sleeping”

“Thanks, Tania” Kara says elbowing me a little so I would pay her. I reach my pocket and pay the girl.

“Thanks” I say and she leaves. The other kids had sitters but they were at their homes. We each take our turn to take a shower just in case one of the kids woke up. I was so relieved that the baby was mine, it meant we didn’t have to see that asshole anymore, not till the court day anyway. There’s still a small chance that it could be his, but we’ll see. I was the last to take a shower so when I was done I jumped on the bed with her, then I realized I needed to tell her about what happened with Kate the other day…

“I gotta tell you something, but you got to promise me you won’t get mad”

“I won’t make any promises… I can try not to get mad”

“Okay” I whisper, well here goes nothing “Kate came to our house a few week after you left” I waited to see what she said. She took a deep breath as if I hurt her.

“You slept with her” she assumed.



“I’ll admit, she made a move on me, she even grabbed my junk and took her top off… But I didn’t sleep with her, I swear on my life right now”

“You passed on an opportunity to sleep with Kate Upton?” she asks sitting on my lap and I nod. “Why?”

“Because I knew that even if we weren’t together it was still gonna hurt you, and she’s not you. You’re the only woman I want to make love to for the rest of my life” I caress her face and wipe a tear of happiness off her cheek with my thumb. “I love you” I whisper


“What?” I asked confused.

“Why do you love me?” why was she asking me that?

“Because you’re the mother of my kids”

“Just because of that?”

“And you don’t want me for my money. You don’t even ask me for anything, even when I buy you something you think about it fifty times before taking it”

“That’s it?” she asked expecting more. What more did she want?

“What do you--- All right fine, I don’t know” I confess… this is definitely gonna get me in trouble but I didn’t know what she wanted to hear.

“What?” she asked so I could repeat again.

“I don’t know I don’t know why I love you, I just… fell in love with you. I don’t know how. I don’t know why, I just did.” I said a bit louder, but it was like I say the magic words.

She started to kiss me deeply and passionately which made me grab her tight and pull her close to me, she was turning me on, God I missed this. “What just happened?” I ask her in between kisses.

“You don’t know why you love me” she stops kissing me

“And that’s a good thing?”

“No one can explain love, no one knows how”

“I do. It’s a feeling or affection towards something or someone”

“Don’t ruin this” she warns.

“I wouldn’t dream of it” I start kissing her again.

We were making out and my hands go form her butt to her breasts “Ow, ow, ow, no grabbing” she complained.

“Sorry” I chuckle and put my hands on her back and hug her tight so we could be closer. I take off her top, and I was gonna take off her bra next but she pushes me back with one hand while covering her mouth with the other “What?” I ask.

She gets off my lap and runs to the bathroom. “No! no no no” I said to myself, I go check on her “You okay?”

“Yeah” she says out of breath, I help her get up and she brushes her teeth. She comes out of the bathroom and lays next to me. I go down to her belly and kiss it, she already had the little bump.

She started stroking my hair “You know what I’m gonna call you?” I talk to the baby, I look up to her and see her smile “I’m gonna call you, little cock blocker” she starts to laugh.

“Come here” she says and I go up to her “I love you”

“She admits it!” I joke and she laughs

“Shut up and kiss me”

“Yeah?” I tempt and she nods “What if I don’t want to?”

“Trust me, you wanna kiss me”

“I do?” she nods again and I finally got the hint “I do” she was telling me in other words she wanted to have sex so I start kissing her.

We didn’t have the usual sex we did, it felt great, amazing. We didn’t go hard like we always do, it was just slow and slow kisses that made my heart pump hard… we made love and I have to say, it’s was better than just having the usual sex. Even though I did love her all those other times before it was way better now, even a tear came down my cheek.

“You okay?” she stops kissing me


“Why are you crying?” she asks and I get off from on top of her and lay next to her.

I sigh “I just don’t want to lose you again, I can’t. I don’t think I can go through this again.”

“You won’t” she says stroking my chest.

“Tonight was…”

“Great? Amazing?”

“Perfect... We’ve never done that before”


“We should do it like that from now on?”

“Yes we should” she smiles and kisses me. Her phone starts to ring, who’s calling her at this hour?

“Hello?”… “It’s okay”… “Okay thanks” she hangs up

“Who was it?”

“Carlos, court hearing’s next week”


“Blake, I know he hit our child, and I’m not saying he’s not guilty… but prison?”

“He should rot in jail”

“I know but… He’ll get probation at most”


“Okay let’s just forget about it” she interrupts me “I don’t want to fight, not after we had good night”

She’s right, it was too much of a great night for him to ruin it. I guess we’ll have to wait till next week to see what happens…

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