122 (Damaged Beyond Repair)

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"... We need to talk" I tell Blake with a worried look.

"Please don't tell me you're pregnant again"

"Not here" I shake my head hinting him this is not the place to talk about it. Especially since I knew he was gonna yell at me and the kids were here. He turns on the TV for the kids and we go upstairs to talk. I enter the room first still trying to figure out how to tell him, but there was no easy way to. He walks in after me and shuts the door behind him.

"How are you pregnant? I thought you had your period after we.. you know"

"That's not what I have to tell you. I mean it is but...."

"Oh God, don't" I didn't have to say it. He already knew by the look on my face. I got scared as I saw the anger building up in him.

"I'm sorry" I begin to cry. "I'm going to end it"

"You're going to? So this was more than a one time thing?" everything was coming out wrong.. I mean there's no right way to say it but it's worse than I imagined.

"I'm sorry" he walked around the room forming a fist on his right hand and punching the wall. I've never seen him this angry, but I don't blame him.

"Who is he?" he asked firmly.

"I--" I don't want to tell him it's Eric, but I have to. Telling him is gonna make him explode, I'm going to see a side of Blake that no ones probably ever seen.

"Who?!!" he yelled.

"Eric" I whisper to myself

"What did you say?"

"Eric" I say a bit louder.

"Your ex? You've been screwing your ex?!!!" my heart was pounding. "Why the fuck is he here?!!"

"He got out early"

"I meant in LA! You been talking to him?"

"No! It was a coincidence"

"Oh bullshit! He had to know you were here!!! And let's not forget about the fact that he shot me!"

"I will never forget that" I remember how scared I was. How guilty I felt about it.

"And yet you still slept with him!"

"I'm sorry"

"What exactly was the plan Kara?! You were gonna leave me for him and take the kids to live with some psycho?!"

"No" I whisper

"Then what?!!"

"Nothing! I wasn't-- I wasn't planning on living with him."

"You planned to keep screwing him behind my back"

"NO! I made a mistake"

"A mistake?! You've been seeing him for three weeks Kara!! I slept with Brynn once! Once!!! And you've been screwing him behind my back?!!!" all I do is cry. "You couldn't pick another guy in LA? It had to be him?" 

When he said that I realized that this was the exact same thing I said to him, the same thing he did to me. "Well now you know how I felt when you told me about Brynn"

"She's not pregnant"


"I came to fix thing with you but that chance is long gone"

"What do you mean she's not pregnant?"

"What do you mean what do I mean? She's not pregnant... she lied" I begin to cry knowing I just ruined our family.

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