105 (Truth Or Lies)

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Kara's P.O.V.

I can't believe this! We were doing just fine and as always something has to ruin it. Now I get why she was calling like crazy.

"You lied to me" I wasn't even screaming, I just couldn't believe it.

"Kara I never slept with her"

"Then why is she saying you got her pregnant?"

"She's a bitch and a liar, you know that" I don't say anything, which worried Blake even more. "She's been trying to ruin us since the moment I saw you"


"Because she's like that, she gets mad when she doesn't get what she wants! Kara you have to believe me. I would never ruin our family for that, for her"

"Why now? I mean, she stopped with all this bullshit a long time ago"

"I don't know, maybe she's bored" just as he's talking the door bell rings and since I was next to the door I answer it.

"Please tell me this is some kind of nightmare" it was Nina and her dad.

"We came to pay our respects" Nina says

"I'm afraid you're a bit late, he died a week ago so bye" I try to close the door but Lewis, Nina's dad, keeps me from doing so. "Okay, I'd like to wake up now. Listen man, I am not in the mood to be pissed off right now, okay? So why don't you turn around and go back home or so help me--"

"What? You'll call the cops?" Lewis cuts me off

"Actually I was gonna say leave before I make you leave, but there's always the easy way" I taunt

"Is that a threat?" Luis asked

"Oh no, it's a warning!"

"Okay Kara, just cool down" Blake tries to calm me down

"No, do not tell me to calm down... John!" I call for my brother "Could you call Carlos, please?!"

"What's going on?" John asks entering the room "Oh, you gotta be kidding man. What part of don't ever come near us don't you understand?"

"Ah, more threats. I guess being a psychopath runs in the familiy" Nina comments

"What did you just say?" I ask giving her a chance to change her answer."I guess your a bit of a masochist, didn't you learn anything from the beating I gave you five years ago?"

"All right Kara that's enough!" Blake said in a loud tone "You want to kill each other? Fine! I won't be part of it" those were his last words before he left.

"Hey! We're not done talking!" I yell at him. I start to follow him but then go back. "Get out of our property" I slam the door on their faces and turn to John "If they don't leave call Carlos" I walk away "Blake!" I run after him to my bedroom "Blake, did you really just walk away from the conversation?"

"You were being all dramatic about Nina... Let it go! It happened five years ago, I personally don't judge her vendetta against you, I mean you almost beat her to death, who wounldn't want payback?"

"Stop trying to change the subject"

'I'm not! I told you I didn't sleep with her. If you don't believe me that's your problem"

"My problem? I'm not the one who slept with her"

"I didn't sleep with her!!" he yelled, and I'll admit, I got scared for a second. "I don't understand why you believe her over me" he said more calmly

"I don't, I'm just scared that it'll be true at the end"

"It's not going to be true... I admitted to you that she tempted me but I never did anything" I really don't know what to believe, I know she's a liar but what if Blake really slept with her in a moment of "weakness" as men say using the excuse. My heart is really hurting right now, I don't know what to believe. "Kara, I have kept things from you, but I have never cheated on you"

"And how do I know you're not keeping that from me?"

"I guess you're just gonna have to trust me" I take my time to respond to him.

"If this turns out to be true, we're over" I warn him.

"Well it's a good thing it's not going to be true. Hell, I'll even take a DNA test if you want me to, if she even is pregnant" I don't say anything, I just look out the window to see if Nina and her dad left. "You know you're doing excatly what she wanted you to do, right?"

"How's that?"

"By telling you she's supposedly pregnant she knew you were gonna fight with me, maybe even break up" I guess he has a point, but still, his track record with women before me wasn't a good one. "I know my past is the thing that's making you doubt me, but I'm not that guy anymore" he walks up to me and cups my face.

"Just tell me it's not true" I say with watery eyes

"For the 20th time, it's not true. I love you, I would never ruin what we have for some psycho" a tear falls from my eye and Blake wipes it away "You see? This? I would never do this to you. I can't hurt you like this, yes I kissed another girl and I am sorry for that, but cheat on you? I can't"

"Why me?"

"I don't know"

"I had a messed up life, why did you choose me?"

"I don't know. But I'm glad I did and I don't regret it.. do you? Do you regret going out with me for ice cream? Or for almost ruining your brother's wedding?"

"No" I whisper

"Good... Kara if I didn't love you I wouldn't be here right now" then I did the unexpected, I kissed him. I never kiss him when I'm mad or suspect something. "Did you just kiss me?" he asked confused, he knew I never kissed in moments like this.

"I don't want to fight" I whisper

"We don't have to" he said before pulling me up and kissed me like there would be no tomorrow. I kissed back with no hesitation but I still had the feeling of worry inside, I guess time will tell...

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