96 (Goodbye)

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Kara's P.O.V.

I lock myslef in the room, I can't believe Blake! I bury my face on the pillow and begin to cry. One stupid comment and he turns into an asshole. After five minutes of crying I hear a know on the door.

Amber: "Kara, can I come in?" I wanted to be alone but I had to talk to somebody


"Are you okay?" she asks as she entered.

"I'm fine, just a little upset I guess... He's really gonna go isn't he?"

"I don't know, I hope not. If he does I'll keep an eye on him"

"Thanks" I force a smile. "How long are you guys gonna be there?"

"Two weeks"


"I'll let you be, but if you need anything, just let me know okay?"

"I will" she stands up and walks to the door. "Amber?"

She stops "Yeah?"

"I'm pretty sure he's gonna go... and I will leave. I'm going back home, someone should know where I'm going, but please don't tell him"

"You think that's a good idea? Not to tell him?"

"I'm tired of him getting whatever he wants, and I don't want him to know where I'll be"

"But won't he know?"

"I'm telling my sisters to tell him they haven't heard from me. Tyler's probably gonna want to talk to him and I'll call him, but if he calls I won't pick up."

"You're pretty sure about this aren't you?"

"Yes" I nod.

"Okay, be careful, please"

"I will" I smile and she leaves.

An hour later I go downstairs to get a  glass of water. Everyone left except DJ and his brother.As I'm about to go in I overhear Blake talking to them...

DJ: "Yeah, man but don't you love her?" 

Blake: "I do, but I'm sick of all the lying and fighting"

DJ: "Well you technically lied to her too"

Blake: "Whatever"

Corey: "And I bet the kids give you a hard time too, right?"

Blake: "No, the kids are great, I love my kids, but you know man, is like I tell everyone, DON'T have kids. They're a blessing but they're a contract for life."

Corey: "Yeah, you have to be stuck to the baby mama too" he laughs.

After that, I didn't even know what to feel. I go to the kitchen and pretend like I heard nothing. Their face expression were priceless, like they got caught doing something.

"Hey, you guys okay?"

DJ: "Yeah, did you just-- You hear anything?"

"Was I supposed to hear something?"

DJ: "No, no... Anyways we have to go so, see ya later Kara"

"Yeah, you too" I quicky go upstairs, get a suitcase and start filling it up.

"What are you doing?" Blake asks entering the room

"Oh, I'm making your luggage. Aren't you going to Croatia tomorrow?"

"And now all of a sudden you want me to go?"

"No but, I'm not in your contract to it doesn't matter what I say"

"You heard... Kara--"

"Go, go to Croatia" I put some clothes in his chest so he can finish his luggage. "Have fun, it's what you deserve right? Go enjoy life, I'll take care of the four kids we have" I leave...

**Next day:

I slept in the kids room last night, we had a normal sized bed in there just in case one of them wanted to sleep with us. I get up and go to out bedroom with hopes that Blake had stayed, but when I open the door, he was gone... guess that settles that. No surprise, I guess I always knew he was going to leave... and so will I.

Blake's P.O.V.

I left home and went to the airport, I wasn't gonna let Kara manipulate me. I said hi to everyone but Amber wasn't happy I was here.

"Hey, what's up with Amber?" I ask DJ

"You know she didn't want you to come man. And honsetly? Niether did I"

"Look I know I'll never hear the end of it when I come back, but I need this... we both do"

Amber: "Yeah except you're here alone and calm and she's over there with four kids to take care of" she said out of nowhere.

"It's just two weeks, we need some space Amber" I try to explain.

"Whatever" she crosses her arms and leaves.


**Two weeks later:

I came back home from Croatia, Kara called but I ignored... I wanted to call back to talk to Tyler but I held back. Last week she started to call like crazy, I swear I almost picked up to tell her to leave me alone but I just turned off the phone. But enough about Kara, time to see my kids again.

"Guys?" I call as I enter the house. "Tyler?" I called again but no ona answered. "Kara?"... I start searching the rooms and when I looked, most of the clothes were gone. "You gotta be kidding me" I thought to myself. I guess she wasn't kidding. I call Kara on her cell a couple of times but no answer, after that I instantly call DJ...

DJ: "Hey man, what's up?"

"Where's Amber?"

DJ: "Um, she's here why?"

"Put her on"

DJ: "What's going on?"

"Kara's gone"

DJ: "What?! Hey yo, Amber? You heard about Kara?"

Amber: "No, why?" I heard her on the background

DJ: "She's gone"

Amber: "Well, she hasn't called me, last time I talked to her was the day before we left to Croatia, at the get together"

DJ: "Heard that?"

"Yeah, thanks" I hang up

I call her sister now "Kora?"

Kora: "Oh hey Blake, how's Croatia?"

"It was great, where's Kara?"

Kora: "How the hell am I supposed to know?"

"She's not home"

Kora: "Well she did warn you"

"She's there isn't she?"

Kora: "I know where she is, but she's not here"

"Where is she?"

Kora: "Don't know"

"Damn it Kora, she can't just take my kids from me"

Kora: "Excuse you?!! Those are her kids too and as I recall you left her all alone to go and have fun, so what do you care?!!!!" she hangs up

I know she went back home, and if they think I'm not going there, they're wrong...

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