135 (Personal)

850 27 2

"Put out an Amber Alert right now!" Bates yells over the phone. "Sir, what did she look like?"

"What?" Blake asks in shock.

"A description of the female"

"She must have entered from the back door" Tucker, Bate's partner said.

"I-- I"

"What did she look like Blake?" I yell. "Was she tall, small, blonde, what?!"

"Everyone looks small to me"

"Are you fucking kidding me?! How could you be so stupid?" I bark at him.

"All right, ma'am? Calm down" Tucker says.

"Calm down?! Somebody just took my son and you want me to calm down?!" I start breathing heavily "I can't breathe" I say out of breath.

"Kara?" Blake calls out as I start to crouch on the floor.

He wanted to check on me but Bates stopped him. "Sir, think"

"Um... she was... white, dark blonde... green eyes, maybe Kara's height or a bit taller, fuck!!" He yelled of frustration, feeling like the information he was giving was useless.

"All right, we're gonna need a photo of Tyler, we need to get it out there. Newspapers, train stations, airports and especially the news, we need people to keep an eye out"

"I'll go get one" I say as Marcus helps me up.

"People are gonna talk and--"

"You did not just say that" I cut him off.

"No, that's not what I meant--" I slap his face so hard I even felt bad about it. I go to our bedroom to get a picture of Tyler. I can't believe Eric would do something like this to me, and even get a woman to kidnap my son...

"Here" I hand Bates a picture of him.

"Thank you, we'll release it to the media right now. If he contacts you in any way, do not engage him I read a little about you too Miss Flux"

"Okay" Bates and his partner leave but a couple of cops stay near just in case Eric or this mystery woman shows up....

"Kara..." Blake wanted to explain.

"Do NOT talk to me" I walk away with Marcus following.

"Kara.." Marcus called

"Don't, don't you dare defend him" I warn him.

"We are all on the same side here. He feels like shit! He left Tyler alone with that woman, can you realize how he must be feeling?" he tried to make me see it from a different point of view.

"You heard what he said"

"I don't think that's what he meant, you didn't even let him finish!"

"He is always worried about his image! About what people will say about him"

"This is different Kara!! This is Tyler!!"

"You both need to be on this together, you can't fall apart!" he leaves mad at me.

He has a point, I jumped the gun on that one. I'm just furious about this, and scared. I've never been so scared in my life, even when I almost lost him giving birth doesn't compare to what I'm feeling now... I need Blake, even if it means putting my pride aside for once, for Tyler... I have to go apologize.

"Blake?" I open the bedroom door slightly. I thought he'd be sleeping but let's face it, how in the hell can we sleep at a time like this? He even brought Emma and the twins to bed with him.. "Hey" I try to fake a smile but it doesn't come out. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have slapped you like that"

"You're angry, I get it"

"Still, I shouldn't have, I'm sorry" I walk to the bed with him.

"You should've let me finish... What I meant was, people will talk and the word will spread... Do you really think I'm thinking about my image right now? This is our son, I would give my life for him"

"I'm sorry.... I shouldn't have blamed you either"

"No, it's my fault, I shouldn't have left him alone. She asked to ask him a couple of questions by himself, why the hell didn't I see it?"

"Don't, it could've easily happened to me too" we stare at each other, both afraid "I'm scared" I finally whisper out. Blake pulls me to his chest to console me, which only made me cry even more. "I don't know what I'd do without him" I cry and cry and cry all night long... I feel like I want to die....


Blake's P.O.V.

3 Days Later:

I go wake Kara up so she could eat the food I brought her. I know she's devastated, we both are, but she hasn't eaten anything or even slept and it's not good for her or the baby. When I go to the room she was awake, staring at pictures of Tyler, crying. I hate this, I hate seeing her like this, I hate what we're feeling right now.

"Babe, you need to eat something"

"I'm not hungry"

"Kara you have to eat something" I keep nagging

"What if he's dead?" she asked. Hearing it made my heart feel pain, I lost Tyler and I'm loosing her too. She's been through hell her entire life, I think this is finally going to drive her to the breaking point where she looses her mind. I think she was more desperate because Eric hasn't called, which is making her think he doesn't have Tyler. This is personal, if I see him I can swear I'll kill him.

"He's not dead, eat" I order her.

"I'm not hungry!"

"You need to eat!! You're pregnant, he needs food and rest" my little outburst opened her eyes a little and finally, after three days of just eating unhealty junk food, she eats....

"This is all your aunt's fault" she says.


"If she hadn't told him this was his baby, this wouldn't be happening! Oh that fucking bitch!"

"It's okay"

"No it's not okay Blake! My son, my baby! He's--" she doesn't finish the sentence. "He's been missing for three days, I am literally going crazy and you're acting like it's just a bad dream"

"I am trying to be strong! For all of us! I have everything bottled up inside, I feel like I'm going to explote at any moment"

"Then do it! It's your son! You're allowed to have feelings! You're allowed to break down!"

I groan louldy and punch the wall. Tears start to fall from my eyes, luckily I'm giving her my back, I don't want her to see me like this... I can't let her.

"I need you" Kara pleaded "I don't want you to be strong for me or anyone, I want you to be here, I want you to cry with me... I can't do this alone"

"His birthday's on friday" I whisper.

"I know" she cries. "He must be so scared, I want him here, I want him back... I should've left that hospital the moment he threatened you" I finally turn and show her my emotions. I go to her and wrap my arms around her tightly to she could cry on my chest. She literally cried herself to sleep, she's only slept like and hour these last three days, she need this. I go get the kids and bring the to out room and I lay next to her to get some sleep too...


Kara's P.O.V.

I finally get a deep sleep after three days or pure torture. I would never wish this to anyone, not even Cynthia if she had any kids. I feel the twins squirming on my back, and I feel a smile come out of me... Having kids it's the best feeling in the world but losing one? It's just heartbreaking and I don't think I can bare it. The phone ringing it's what finally made my conscience wake up. I love my brothers but I need them to give me space... I pick up the phone without knowing which one of them it was... And just like that, the call that I 've been waiting for for three days arrived.


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