53 (Found)

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Kara’s P.O.V.

We were all worried sick about Thomas, we were all looking everywhere we could think off. Kora calls me again:

“Did you find him?” I ask as soon as I pick up

“No, I thought maybe you had some luck”

“Nothing, I’ll let you know”

“I’m so scared Kara, he’s never been out of that cabin before” I was looking around the huge landscape we were in and spot a familiar tree and when she said that the light bulb on my head went on.

“Oh my God” I say


“Nothing. Kora I’ll call you if we find him okay?”

“Okay” we hang up.

“Thomas!” Blake called

“I think I know where he is”


“Somewhere past that tree” I point “I think he’s where I used to run away to”

“All right, let’s go”

“No! You stay here just in case, I’ll go” I didn’t want him to go.

“If you think I’m gonna let you go all the way over there alone you’re crazy” it was extremely far where I thought he was.

“Blake please”


“This is my place, nobody knows about it. It’s my private place.” He still didn’t want me to go alone

“What I something happens?”

“Nothing’s gonna happen Blake, I’ve been there hundreds of time. The sun is setting, I’m gonna go I’ll come back tomorrow first thing”

He groans “Fine, call me when you get there”

“I will”

“I still don’t like this idea”

“I’ll be okay” I peck his lips and go through the hole I made on the fence when I was a kid.

“Call me!” he yells

“Yes!” I yell back and wave at him. After 30 minutes of walking I see the little treehouse I made, it wasn’t great but it was something. I walk to it and go up the stairs

“Thomas?” I call opening the floor door. “Oh thank God! Are you crazy?! What were you thinking?!”

“Aunt Kara, what are you doing here?”

“Looking for you!”

“But I thought nobody cared about me”

“Why would you think that?” I hug him of relief.

“Cause nobody listens to me, especially mom. It’s always Lucas or Simon and I don’t exist.”

“Don’t say that, you’re mom loves you very much. She out there looking for you and now that you mention it I have to call her.” I take out my phone and call her.

Kora: “Hello?”

“Hey, I found him”

“Oh thank God! Where?!”

“It doesn’t matter, just go back to the cabin we’ll be there tomorrow”

“What do you mean it doesn’t matter, where was he?”

“We’ll talk about it tomorrow Kora”

“Let me talk to him” I look at him and try to give him the phone but he didn’t want to talk.

I Didn't Want To Love HimWhere stories live. Discover now