173 (Trying To Forget You)

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Hi guys before you start reading I thought I'd let you know that I had already started writing this chapter 2 days ago so it has nothing to do with the video of him that came out.

Blake's P.O.V.

"She doesn't love me anymore, man." I tell DJ as I take another shot of Vodka.

"All right, just take it easy man." He tries to keep me from drinking more. "So did she say it? Or are you assuming?"

"I asked her to tell me that she loved me once last time even though I knew she didn't mean it and she just started to cry, saying she was sorry."

"Shit, man... I'm sorry, I know how much you love her."

"It was my fault, I didn't do the right thing to keep her and now I lost her... Worst thing is, everyone warned me... Especially you and CP."

"I'm gonna lose her, I'm gonna lose my kids."

"Don't say that man, you're not gonna lose them. You can always try to make her fall in love with you again..."

"That's the thing man... I've been such an asshole to her, she's just gonna hold back."

"But you guys have five kids together."

"Oh... No, not five... Six!!" I correct him.

"Six? When the fuck did you--"


"Shit man..."

"Can there be a worse feeling than loving the mother of your child, who is carrying another one, and know that she doesn't love you?" I almost cry. "Give me another shot."

I keep on drinking to get as drunk as I can to forget her, but all I do is talk about her more.

"I mean, I love her man!" I whine to DJ.

"Yeah, I know."

"Should I call her?"

"No man, we should go. You've had enough come on."

"I should call Brynn. She told me to sleep with Brynn... Can you believe that?! She hates her."

"No you're not calling Brynn cause you don't want to hurt Kara."

"Kara?! I love her."

"I know dude!"

"Are you gonna take me to Brynn's?"

"How about I take you to Kara's? I have a feeling you'll run to Brynn if I leave you alone."

"Do you think she'll take me back?"

"Not when she sees you like this. But I know she's gonna give you a hard lesson so Kara's it is."


Kara's P.O.V.

It was 1:00 o'clock in the morning when DJ calls me. My mind wasn't working so good since I was tired as hell and I couldn't understand a word he was saying.

"Just come downstairs."

Why the hell is he here? Blake isn't here, he should know that... I go downstairs and open the door, only to see Blake clinging on DJ's shoulder with a bloody nose.

"Oh my God, what happened?" I ask worried as I cup his face.

"Kara?" He asks happily but then glares at me.

"Are you drunk?!" I get angry.

"What do you care? You don't love me, remember?"

"I... didn't say that. And even so, it doesn't mean I don't care about you."

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