104 (Meeting Thomas)

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Blake's P.O.V.

1 week later:

Everything's been calm between Kara and I lately, if we had differences we would just talk them out instead of fighting. Kate kept calling for some reason, I wanted to know why but I didn't want to upset Kara by picking up the phone. She acts like she doesn't care but I know she does. We were at the park with all four kids, Tyler and Emma were by the swings with me and Kara was sitting with the twins.

"All right guys let's go get something to drink" I tell the kids. I get them down from the swings and the go running to Kara.

"Hey, you guys have fun?" Kara asks

"Yes, mommy I'm thirsty" Tyler says and Kara gives them a juice box.

"Hey" I say as I sat next to her "We have to talk about leaving soon"

"It's July, you don't start until late September"

"I know but Ford's birthday is coming up soon"

"Okay, then you can go first, I don't need to see Brynn"

"You guys have to stop with this bullshit"

"Language" she scolded me.

"Sorry. Look you're my wife, and I just happen to have a kid with her so, you're gonna have to accept that"

"I got nothing against Ford, Blake. But I'm not gonna go to a birthday party where I'm not gonna be wanted and be getting looks by all her family"

"Tyler's gonna want to see him" I try to use the guilt trip, but it doesn't work.

"Then he can go with you, but I'm not going"

"So I can take Tyler then?"

"Take me where daddy?"

"To see--" Kara grabs my hand and tightens the grip to cut me off

"Honey, daddy's gonna go back home on the plane for your brother's birthday, but mommy's gonna stay here for a while, do you want to go with him?"

"Ford? Yeah!"

"Are you sure? I'm not gonna be there sweetie"

"Why not?"

"I'm gonna stay here for a little more time with your brother and sisters... You can decide later, go play some more" he goes back to playing

"Are you seriously trying to convince him to stay?"

"No, but we won't be there Blake, he'll get bored, ask you for some mac & cheese, you have to brush his teeth, bathe him"

"I know, it's not like I haven't done it before"

"I'm just saying, 'cause I know he's gonna say yes"

"How do you know?"

"He's my son, and he has more fun with you than he does with me"

"No he doesn't"

"Yes he does... He gets a little scared on the plane so you have to comfort him" hearing her say all this made me feel like I didn't know Tyler at all. And why would I, I'm a jerk who leaves when I get mad and half the time I'm playing, we barely spend time together. Maybe this trip will be good for us.

**Back at the house:

We got home from the park and John was making burgers on the back so go help, the kids play and Kara talks with her sisters. Everything was okay, then someone rang the doorbell. I see Kara opening the door but I didn't see who it was. I ignored and kept making burgers, I look again and see her all excited and jumps to hug whoever was outside. The person spins her and it didn't take anything more to see Sam with his arms wrapped around her. I can't help but feel jealous, I know Kara said she didn't have feelings for him, but this tells another story.

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