128 (Time to Make a Decision)

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Kara's P.O.V.

I can't believe Blake left without saying a word. It made me sad thinking he wouldn't believe me anymore. I don't even know where he went, if he just stayed wondering around the hospital or did he go get drunk just like he always does when something like this happens? I wanted to call him but I didn't have a phone, maybe it's better if I just let him clear his head anyways... God I hate hospitals, I need to get out of here but I can barely move from all the pain from the stitches. I have to get home to the kids, but then again I have to stay still if I don't want to lose this baby too. Mostly I just want to kick Cynthia's ass, there's no way I'm holding back now. Messing with me is one thing, but trying to get rid of my baby? She just poked the mama bear... I don't care what she means to Blake, and I know he couldn't care less since the baby isn't his but enough is enough!

I'm trying to calm myself, I don't want to think about this right now. I need to worry about me and my baby in the mean time... I wipe away my tears and look to the door that was being opened, only to see the person I thought fled the country... Eric... I'm afraid he's here to hurt me, and I can't defend myself...


Blake's P.O.V.

The accusation Kara was making against my aunt were a big deal. She could go to jail for it. I know they don't get along but why would Kara lie like that? I have to get out of here... I need to talk to my aunt. I go home to confront her and luckily she was there. It's time to put a stop to this once and for all.

"Blake! How is she?" I forgot Amber was here.

"She's gonna be fine, you can go see her if you like, thank you for looking after the kids"

"No problem, I'll go right now" she leaves fast enough. She was real close with Kara, which was a good thing. Kara needed someone other than me out here in L.A.

"Aunt Cynthia, can I talk to you?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Kara's at the hospital"

"Oh God, what happened?"

"She fainted and hit her head, she had a concussion."

"That's sad"

"She's claming you did it."

"Me? I wasn't even here. And how do you cause someone to faint?"

"They found a high amount of dose of the morning after pill in her body. She said you gave her a glass of juice"

"Oh please, she's just trying to get rid of me the only way she knows how, by lying!" she said in a loud tone

"Please, just tell me the truth. I understand why you did it, and I know you didn't mean for her to almost die but the woman I love almost died in my hands, and you could go to jail for it"

"Jail? No one's going to jail... What did you mean by saying you understood?"

"The baby's not mine, so you didn't want me to be sad and heartbroken about it"

"The slut sleep with another man, gets pregnant, and asks you to take responsability of it?! Who does she think she is?"

"So you did do it?"

"Yes, I did it. I had to get rid of the bastard child before he was even born. She was going to leave you!! Take half of your money, and no the mention the child support you have to give her"

"So now you don't want us to get divorced?"

"I didn't think it through, I had to figure out a way you could keep all your money"

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