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Kira and I jumped at the sound.

“What the fuck?” we heard John yell.

I get up from bed “You stay in here Kira!” I said pointing at her and left Tyler in her care. I open the door and Lucas was on the stairs.

“Lucas! Go back to your room, look after you brothers!” he rushed back

I practically run down the stair hysterical, to see John holding Eric at the front door.

“What the hell happened?!” I asked frantic and John points me with his head to the kitchen

I rush to the kitchen to see blood and Blake laying on the floor. I was shocked “Blake” I yelled running to him. He got shot on the lower right side of his stomach.

“Check if he has an exit wound! Kora already called the ambulance.” John told me.

I roll Blake a little to check the exit wound… Nothing “Oh, my god” I say starting to tear up.

Blake was conscious “What?” he asked trying to sit.

“No don’t move! Just stay there”

“Anything?” John asked

“No!” I yelled looking at him.

“You’re gonna have to take the bullet out”

“Wha--- I can’t--- I can’t do that John” tears started come out of my eyes, I was too scared, what if I hurt him more? Or made it worse?

“Do you want him to die?”


“Then do it! The bullet can puncture an organ inside and he could bleed to death internally”

My attention goes back to Blake, I put my hands above his wound not touching it yet and I noticed I was shaking.

“Just do it” he said groaning of pain.

“Okay” I take a deep breath and dig in

“Fuck!” he yells and hits the floor.

I started to cry, I did NOT like seeing him in pain, it felt so gross but I had to do it. I finally find the bullet and manage to take it out, I look at it shocked.

I look back at Blake “Blake? Blake?!” he was passed out and sweating. “Baby wake up!” I said crying and shaking his head a little, I heard the sirens and I felt relieved.

“What happened?” a cop asked John as the paramedics entered.

“He’s in the kitchen” John told the paramedics. “He shot my brother-in-law, I detained him before he did something else”


“Yes, sir”

“Alright, Eric Webber, you’re under arrest for attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney…” the cop’s voice faded.

“Ma’am? Ma’am, I need you to step aside”

I get out of the way and put my back on the wall crying.

“Okay, let’s get him out here!” they take him to the ambulance. I try to go inside with him but the female paramedic stops me “Whoa, whoa, whoa, are you family?”

“I’m his girlfriend”

“Sorry ma’am, only family members”

“We have a kid together, doesn’t that count for something?”

I Didn't Want To Love HimWhere stories live. Discover now