165 (All For My Kids)

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Kara's P.O.V.

It's been a week since I've been in here, I feel like I'm going craizer than I already was... And to top it all it feels horrible not seeing the kids. I miss them like crazy, the only one who can visit is Blake and he doesn't do it often. I feel empty and lonely...

"What do you miss most Kara?" The counselor asks.

"My kids."

"How any do you have?"


"Oh wow, are they a handful?" A pacient asks.

"I don't want to talk about them, it's been a week without them and it's hard enough."

"Sorry." She apologizes.

"All right, that's it for today. I will talk to each one of you tomorrow individualy and tell you how you're doing. Good night."

"They all leave the room except for me and another man."

"So why are you here?" he asks me.

"My crazy ex shot himself in front of me. I keep seeing him everywhere... You?"

"Afghanistan." That's all I needed to know.

"A soldier. Don't you have your own camps or something for this?"

"We do but, seeing more soldiers brought back the memories more."

"Sorry to hear that... How long have you been here?"

"A month." I was afraid I had to be here for that long too.

"Wow, you don't have any kids?"

"I had two, but my wife was also in the army and suffered the same thing so she killed the oldest."

"Jesus Christ... I'm so sorry." My eyes water.

"I'm sorry, did I upset you?"

"I just-- I can't imagine, what I'd do if I lost one of mine that way."

"I wanted to kill her."

"How old was he? If you don't mind my asking."

"Six." God, that's almost Tyler's age. "She thought it was a suicide kid bomber... She even tried to kill herself when she knew what she had done. She went to prison and the youngest is withmy mother."

"I can only imagine the pain..."

"I wouldn't wish it to anyone... I don't want to be too forward with this but... do you want to get dinner?"

"We really shouldn't be talking to each other, you know that right?"

He chuckles. "Yeah, I read the rules. No talking to the opposite sex."

"Yeah." I whisper.

"You just look interesting and you look like you need someone to talk to."

"All right."


We head on to the cafeteria and have dinner...

"I feel like I've seen you before. Are you famous or something?" He asks.

"Oh no, God forbid. I hate the whole cameras flashing all over the place."

"Hm, but you've had the experience... Is your husband famous?"

"Yeah..." I whisper.

"Really? Cool."

"Not really, you don't have much privacy."

"So who is he?"

"Blake Griffin?" I ask, wondering if he knew.

"Oh! What?! For real? So you're the reason he's been coming here. I mean, I'm more of a Lakers fan but lately they've been, not good." We chuckle. "So you're living the good life."

"Not at all. All my life I've lived horrible things. I found my husband but the bad luck didn't stop following me. I had a car accident when I had my first born which lead for him to be born prematurely." I look down.


"Yeah, but as long as they're okay, I can take anything life thorws at me... I'm doing this for them, they're the reason I wake up everyday."

"How it should be." I look back up at him and out of nowhere he kisses me, but I quickly break the kiss. "Sorry."

"I'm married."

"He barely visits you."

"Yes because he had elbow surgery and he has to take care of five kids because of my absence."

"You sure that's the reason?" He hands me a phone, that we're not supposed to have... He showed me a picture of Blake in the zoo... with Brynn and Ford, but none of our kids were there.

I felt hurt, just like he always makes me feel. God! I just need a break from it all!! I'm sick of being hurt by him and everyone else. I just wish I could disappear for a couple of weeks..... And that's exactly what I'm gonna do. I'm breaking out of here tonight, sneak home and get money to get away. Yes I love my kids, but I need to be alone like I used to be before I met Blake... I need to find myself again...


What will Blake's excuse be this time? Will she get away without him finding out?

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