101 (Secret's Out)

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Kara's P.O.V.

Blake and I just stayed in bed for the rest of the day, both heartbroken from what happened. 

"I'm sorry" Blake said for the millionth time

"Blake, stop saying you're sorry"

"Did you really not want the baby?"

"I was mad, but it was still my child. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't know how"

"It''s okay, at least I know now"

"We should go back downstairs"

"Okay, aren't you gonna change first? You're soaking wet"

"Right, I'll take a quick shower"

"I'll be downstairs"

He leaves and I get in the shower, I think about the kiss Sam gave me, but not like that, I was thinking more if I should tell Blake. I probably shouldn't given that we're in hot waters right now. After I'm done I get dressed and head downstairs.

"Hey, I'm sorry I shouldn't have told him" Kora apologized

"It's okay, at least it's out of the way"

"How was he?"

"Sad... we both were"

"I'm sorry, Sam's been looking for you"

"I know, I'm kind of avoiding him"


"Long story"

"You know when he came back, he was wet too" she gave a suspicious look and my heart started pounding. "I know you better than you think little sister. What happened?"

I take a long pause and then let it out "He kissed me"

"What?!" she whispered loudly

"That's not the worst part"

"Please tell me you didn't"

"I kissed back"

"Oh thank God" she puts her hand on her chest of relieve.


"What?! I thought you were gonna say you slept with him"

"Slept with who?" Kira comes out of nowhere making both Kora and I jolt a little.

"No one" I said

"You slept with Blake already?" she whispered

"Yes! Yes, I did, is that so wrong?"

"Two yesses? She's lying" Kira suspected

"No I'm not, I did sleep with Blake"

"I'm not saying you didn't. I'm saying there's more to the story"

"Jesus! There are people here, can we not talk about this now?"

"Kara?" I hear Sam call

"No, no, no, no! Get rid of him" I whisper

"Why?" Kira asked

"I'll take care of it" Kora said as she left.

"Why are you hiding from him?"

"Ugh! Why do you ask so many questions?" she doesn't respond. Instead she crosses her arm, raises her eyebrow and stares at me waiting for a response. "Fine! Sam kissed me and I kissed him back"

She gasps "Kara"

"Look I already feel bad about it okay, please don't judge"

"I won't, I'm sure you had your reasons. Besides the guy is hot, are you gonna tell Blake?"

"No, it was just a kiss, it didn't mean anything"

"You sure?"

"Kira! I love Blake, that's all that matters"

"Well, he's looking for you outside" Kora came back

"Thanks" but it was no good a littl soon after he came back inside and as soon as I saw him I headed to the backyard to where Blake and the kids were, hoping he'd back off.

"Kara, wait! We need to talk" Sam said catching the attention of some people

"Not now Sam"

"Yes now, I love you" he blurted

"Oh, no" I heard Kora said

"What's going on?" Blake asked

"Nothing" I lie. I go to Kora and ask her to get the people out of here. We don't need the drama that's going to hit now to end up on the media.

"All right everybody, shows over, come on let's go" Kora tells everyone and John helps,

"Look, I wasn't really sure what I felt for you until I kissed you"

"You kissed him?!" Blake got loud

"No! I mean it's not what you think" I try to explain "Sam we'll talk about this later"

"Why? 'Cause he's here?" he points at Blake "I thought you said you were gonna divorce him?"

"Divorce me? Really?" Blake said with an attitude

"No, I wasn't really going to do it"

And as if things couldn't get any worse, Sam gets closer to me, too close "I know you feel the same way"

"Hey, back off buddy, that's my wife, not yours" Blake warns

"She doesn't love you man!"

"That true?" Blake asks me

"No! Sam, you have to go"

"No Sam, stay"

"Blake don't do this"

"No, no, he's really positive that you love him, so let's figure this out, let's see who she chooses"

"There's nothing to figure out." I was pissed "What is wrong with you?" I barked at them, mostly at Blake "I'm not some prize to be won, or some trophy! You wanna get in each other's neck? Go right ahead, and as for choosing, how about I choose neither of you?!" I storm out of there and into my room.

Who the hell do they think they are?! Treating me like I'm some kind of object! Whatever they decide to do, I knew I wasn't going to speak to any of them...

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