157 (My choice)

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Blake's P.O.V.

I go to DJ's house to drink all my sorrows away, I needed to get drunk.

"So why'd she kick you out?" DJ asks as he serves another shot.

"My aunt showed up saying Brynn had an accident"

"Damn, she okay?"

"She's stable, but it was pretty ugly"

"So what's the real reason she kicked you out?"

"Apparently my aunt hired someone to hurt her while we were away"

"What?! Yo, your aunt is crazy! Please tell me you didn't defend her..."

"She's my aunt"

"Jesus Christ! Who gives a fuck?!! She tried to hurt the woman you love, again!"

"Well what am I supposed to do DJ?"

"You know she gonna leave your ass if you choose you aunt, right?"

"I know... and I know she wants to go back home but she can't handle 5 kids alone in an airport, so in that way she doesn't want to leave LA... I mean, she literally can't travel alone anymore"

"I thought you guys were getting married again..."

"Yeah, well... that went out the window"

"And Egypt?"

"Probably about to go out the window too, with the rest of my clothes" I answer and he chukles. "It's not funny man" I warn.

"Man, you have got to be the biggest idiot I know... Kara has been through hell with you, and your aunt's the one who created that hell"

"Yeah... I was thinking of getting her a lawyer"

"Oh hell no! You get her a lawyer Kara for sure will never forgive you man! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I don't know, I feel like if I don't defend her I'm betraying my whole family"

"Dude, if you do... you're betraying Kara and the kids... that's your family... they're what you go home to every single night, not your aunt. Kara's right man, you're gonna lose them... Do you really want that?"

....... Do I? Or course I don't! What the hell am I going to do?


Kara's P.O.V.

I kick Blake out because I'm done with him defending his aunt. I can't have it anymore, I have 5 kids to worry about and if he doesný want to man up and get rid of the problem, I will...

I was dressing the twins to get them ready for bed, but they were too awake, it's like they ate sugar all day.

"Jake, let go of your sister's hair" I untangle Maggie's hair from his hand.

"Brrr ba ba" he babbles. They're about to say their first word any day now... I hear a light know on the bedroom door and a hundred things ran through my mind... Did the guy come back to finish the job? Was it Cynthia? But my most utter concern were the kids... I didn't want them getting hurt.

"Dada" Jake babbles pointing to the door. His first word... Really? Dad?

I turn around to see Blake and find relieve all over my mind and body alike.

"Really? That's your choice for your first word?" I say to Jake, loud enough for Blake to hear.

"Well, he is my son so..." he stands by my side to pick Jake up.

"Yeah, a son you doubted was yours... just like all the others" I speak my mind.


"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you had feelings"

"Come on don't be like that... You know I had reason to doubt"

"Not with Tyler, or Emma" I continue to dress Maggie.

"You're never gonna let that go, are you?"

"I never let things go" he knows that.

"Just like you'll never let go if I get a lawyer for her?"

"What did you just say?" I turn around furious.

"It's just a thought..."

"The fact that your even thinking about it really makes me want to leave and hate you... Tell me you didn't get her a lawyer" he doesn't respond "I swear to God, Blake, you'll never see us again" I threaten.

"Okay stop with the threats" he says loud. "These are my kids!"

"That you don't protect! Who is she gonna go after next?"

"You can't take them from me"

"Wanna bet?"

"Kara we've already been throught this... You don't get to win when you threaten to take them away"

"I don't have to win, I just have to get away" I place Maggie in her crib and he places Jake in his. I walk away from him when I get the chance and go to our room.

"Hey, do not walk away from me" he grabs my arm tightly.

"Let go of me" I shove his hand away.

"God" he punches the wall. "Why can't you understand how much I love you and just stay?!"

"Love me?! How can you say you love me when you let her put me in danger over and over again?!! You know I'm starting to think she's right"

"About what?"

"I think you're with me because you don't want to pay child support"

As I walk away he pulls me back inside the room "Come here" he gives me a deep passionate kiss.

"Stop" I try to get away, but my strength was obviously no match for his...

"You think I give a fuck about that?" he throws me in the bed and gets on top of me and pins my hands above my head. "I just want you" he whispers across my chest.

I begin to sob "I don't want to leave you, or take them from you"

"You don't have to"

"Yes I do... Don't you get it? It's the only way to keep us safe... She's not gonna stop Blake, and what hurts me the most is that you don't take my side" I break down.

"Babe..." he let's me go and I sit up. "Baby, don't cry" he wipes my tears with his thumb. He gives me a peck in  both my cheeks, where the tears fell, then my forehead, then my chin, then my nose... then evidently, my lips... "I love you..."he whispers in my lips "... I came to tell you I'm gonna stop defending her... You're the reason I wake up every morning, not her..."

I really hope he means it... I'm already hurt enough. If he ever betrays me like that I'll be heartbroken...


Do you think Blake will keep his word?

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