143 (My Biggest Mistake)

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Blake's P.O.V.

I wake in the middle of the night hearing commotion and I go check it out... When I find the source where it came from I find my aunt and Kara arguing.

"What the hell''s going on here?" I ask a bit irritated.

"Blake... you left her with my kids? Alone?" Kara scolds

"It's not his fault you disappeared" my aunt butts in.

"Disappeared? I was kidnapped you piece of shit!"

"Kara!" I scold her.

"What?!! Are you seriously going to take her side? After all she's put us through?" 

"Aunt Cynthia please give us a moment" I ask and she kindly leaves "Kara..."

"No Blake! Stop! Don't even start with the whole 'She's my family' bullshit. Enough is enough! If she cared about you the way she says she does she wouldn't do this"

"Stop! I love you both so you better sort this out" 

"There is no sorting it out Blake. We already tried that, or at least I did"

"Well try again"

"No! I'm not risking it! Our son got kidnapped because of her--"

"You can't blame someone else for your mistakes" 

"My mistake? I'm not the one who told Eric the baby was his"

"Which wouldn't have happened if you hadn't slept with him"

"Which wouldn't have happened if you hadn't slept with Brynn"

"Which wouldn't have happened if you had told me the truth about the whole HIV thing"

"No, no! I told you the truth. You didn't want to believe me... Aside from it, that woman tried to kill me!"

"She wasn't trying to kill you, she was trying to kill the baby"

"Which I suppose you have NO problem with since it's not yours!"

"You wanted to get rid of it! I kept you from doing so and you dare say I want it dead?"

"Get rid of her Blake"


"No?! Do I or one of our kids have to die in order for you to get rid of her?"

"Don't say that"

"That's what it looks like Blake! I am at a point where I am afraid every time I see her... I don't know what she's thinking or who she's trying to hurt next"

"You're just paranoid"

"Paranoid? You know she put those pills on my juice, you know what happened to me and yet you defend her, why? I'm your wife, doesn't that mean anything?"

"It means everything" I cup her face and connect foreheads. "But I can't get my aunt out of my life"

"You made me a promise once, remember? You promised me that if I ever saw her again near the kids she would be out of our lives" 

Damn it, I was hoping she wouldn't remember that...

"Why did you leave them with her?" she asks and I could see the hurt on her eyes. Like I had betrayed her or stabbeed her in the back.

"There wasn't anybody else" 

"My brothers were here"

"Come on Kara... your brothers? You know how they are... and Amber and DJ broke up so she disappeared"

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