191 (A Parents' Nightmare)

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Kara's P.O.V.

"What were you thinking?" I ask Blake on the flight back to L.A.

"Kara." Kora said in a warning tone not to start a fight.

My sisters and I are pretty close so they are going with us to help. I know they're really going to make sure I don't become a mess, and I'm glad they are because I'm already becoming one. And who can blame me? Hearing your child is missing is not something any parent wants to hear. You feel like your wolrd is shattering and someone took a piece of your heart out. Blake's mom immediately called the cops so there's no keeping this from the media, which means we'll be swarmed with paparazzi and that is the last thing I need right now."

"Alright folks, please take your seats and fasten your seatbelts. We'll be landing at LAX in 30 minutes." The pilot announces.

We didn't take any luggage. Nobody had time for that when you hear news like that. The moment we step out of the airport, just as suspected... Paparazzi everywhere.

"Blake! Any news on your daughter?"

"Has anyone called for a ransom?"

"Why weren't you of your wife with them at the time? Were you in a private vacation?" 

Without answering a single question we get in the car and go home where the police is waiting to ask questions.


"Mommy! Daddy!" The kids scream and run to us as soon as we walk to through the door.

"Hi, babies. Are you okay?" I ask them.

"Yes. We can't find Maggie." Tyler says.

"I know sweetie. We'll find her, okay?" I say to keep him calm.

"Kara, I am so sorry." Gail cries. All I can do is hug her and cry with her. "This is all my fault."

"No, it's not. It could've happened to anyone." I assure her.

"Ma'am? We need to ask you a couple of questions." A detective says. I let go of Gail and head to the living room with Blake and the detective.

"I'm detective Sanchez and this is my partner detective Moore. Have either of you received a ransom call?"

"No." Blake and I answer at the same time.

"Any enemies? Someone that maybe doesn't get along with you? Or have a grudge against you form some reason?"

"No, I mean there's his aunt Cynthia. But she can't be this crazy, right?"

"Anything is possible ma'am. What reason would she have to do something like this?" Detective Moore asks.

"She has this idea that I married Blake for his money."

"She's been making Kara's life a living hell since then." Blalke adds.

"Okay, do you have any idea where she lives?"

"Yeah, she sent me a letter a couple of months back. I'll get you the address." Blake says and walks out of the room.

"Is there anyone else you can think of ma'am?"

"No. She's the only one that's been doing crazy, shit but I never thought  she would take it this far."

"If it is her."

"Right..." I sit down. Running every possible scenario thorugh my mind.

"Here." Blake hands them the letter and the detectives quickly send a unit to the address.

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