144 (Gone)

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Kara's P.O.V.

Deception... Regret... Two word I could describe my whole life with. Last nights new, not a good time to hear, but necessary. The man I love, the father of my children breaks my heart in two yet again. Why do I keep trusting him? Am I really this big of a fool?

I didn't sleep anything last night, I just stayed in the living room couch, numb, crying for a cheating bastard that never deserved my love. I hear laughing voices getting closer, my sisters were awake...

"Hey, what are you--- What the hell?" Kira questions as soon as she sees huge suitcases standing on the living room close to me.

"What happened?" Kora asks as she sits next to me.

"He did it again..." I answer numbly.

"HE WHAT?!" 

I scoff "Motherfucking Brynn" I shake my head

"That piece of shit" Kora stands from the couch to go insult him while Kira covers her mouth in disbelief.

"Kora" I call out to my sister and she stops. "It's not worth it... I'm done"

"When are you leaving?" Kira asks.

"Right now... I got all of us plane tickets so you should go wake John and Marcus"

"Everyone's ticket? How the hell did you pay for them?"

"Well you know I don't like asking or money but I'll let this one pass... so I'll leave it as a "FUCK YOU" present..."

"I'll go wake them up" Kira leaves.

"Kar... where is he?"

"Probably at practice... or maybe screwing Brynn"

"I'm sorry"

"Yeah me too" I have never cried in front of my family but it hurt so much plus hormones didn't work so out came the tears. "Why did I ever give him a chance?"

"Don't think about that" she hugs me, giving me comfort. "I'll go wake the kids" 

I really wanted to get out of here before Blake came back home. I didn't want to see him or talk to him...

"Hey, what's Kira talking about us leaving?" John walks in rubbing his eyes and yawning. "Whoa, what's going on?"

"Can we just go please?"

"Did that motherfucker cheat on you?" his tiredness was gone.

"John, let's just get out of here"

"Oh no, he and I are gonna have a long talk, where is he?" my overprotective brother asks furiously

"He's not here! Can you please go make your bags?"


About half an hour later we're all ready to go. I guess this is it, I guess Brynn and Cynthia finally got what they wanted... So much for never losing...

"Mommy, where are we going?" Tyler asks pulling on my shirt.

"We're getting on the plane to fly home to Puerto Rico" I answer without wanting him to see my real emotions.

"Is daddy coming?"

"Maybe later sweetie, okay?"

"Okay" he yawns.

We were a lot of people so we literally rented a big van... I just really there are no papparazzi at the airport waiting for someone else and spot us... On our way there my phone starts to ring. I was so afraid it was Blake, mad because he found out but thankfully I was wrong...

"Detective Bates?"

"Mrs. Griffin" my heart feels pain hearing that name. "I know I shouldn't be asking you anything about the deceased but do you know if he had any family?"

"Um... no, he's parents pretty much didn't care about him and I think they're dead anyways"

"Aright then, we'll just cremate the body then, how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling great" I lie "And about the body? Could you send it to Puerto Rico? I know he had some friends out there"

"Sure, of course. You have a good day now"

"Thank you"

"What was that all about?" Marcus asks

"We should bury him home" 

"We? After what he put you through?"

"It doesn't mean he should be thorwn out like trash"

"Yeah but--"

"Dude, drop it" John warns him.

Soon after we arrive to the airport and off we go...


Blake's P.O.V.

Last night was horrible, I broke to pieces the heart of the woman I love... There's no way she'll forgive me now. When I woke up today for practice she was in the living room. I tried talking to her but she just asked me to shut up and leave. Not wanting to push her I leave....

Practic wasn't good, I was too distracted and everyone noticed, but they just thought it was because she came back and that I was just overwhelmed. I rush home as soon as practice is over to talk to her and this time I wasn't taking no for an answer...

"Kara?" I call out but the house sounded so quiet... too quiet, as if it was empty. "Kara?!" I call out again, but nothing. I run upstairs to the kids rooms "Tyler?" I open his bedroom door and it was cleaned off... No clothes, barely some toys left. 

My heart beat fast as I look in the other rooms to see the same thing in all of them... I go to our room next to see her closet empty... she's gone. Half the room cleaned out, the only thing she left was a note on the bed.

"By the time you get this letter, I'll already be gone. Please don't try to contact me. Regarding the kids, I'll make up a way for you to see them but please, now I just need time and to be away from you...

I've made up my mind, and even your sweet talk, persuasive as it is, won't make me change my mind this time. I'm getting off this roller coaster ride once and for all.

I really wish things didn't have to be this way, but I can't keep letting you break my heart over and over again. In time you'll see that I'm right in ending our relationship. It just won't work. Someday, I know, you'll agree that it was the best thing for both of us.

Whatever happens, I wish you well. You truly do deserve the best that life has to offer you. Please know that I do love you, and a part of me always will."

"Fuck!" I punch the wall, angry at myself. I lay back on the bed and begin to cry... She left me... I just lost the best thing that ever happened to me...


OMG guys! I literally cried writing that note! Please let me know what you guys think, I'll appreciate it. Thank you! :)

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