77 (Game Over)

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Kara’s P.O.V.

There I was, behind bars again. What the hell was I thinking? I was definitely gonna lose Blake now. I call my sister to tell them to leave me here while I got my head straight and I would call them when I was ready. Beating Cynthia brought back a lot of memories and bottled up emotions I had locked away for so long and they came back in a flash… My whole life has always been a mess, my mom was the reason for me to be screwed up but that wasn’t the only thing that scarred my life… After about two hours I call my sisters so they could come pick me up.

**30 minutes later:

“Miss Flux? You got bailed out” I get up and walk to the cell door “You know, you gotta be the first person that actually decides to stay locked up, may I ask why?”

“I needed to get my head straight” we walk to hallway I couldn’t see my sisters cause of how close the walls were. We arrive to the end on the hallway and when I get out my sisters weren’t there… Blake was and I freeze.

“Can I go back to cell?” I ask the cop.

“You made bail you can’t go back in there”

“Right…” Blake’s stare was so cold. I really didn’t want to go back to the house with him. We leave and get in the car. We don’t talk the whole ride until he parks the car at the house.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Blake asked

“I don’t know… Is she okay?”

“Like you give a shit”

“I’m sorry”

“No you’re not. Just let me know if this is who you really are because---”

“Because what?” I cut him off “You and I already know this isn’t going anywhere”

“It’s like I don’t know who you are anymore”

“Whatever, we’ll leave as soon as we can” I open the car door and get out. Blake follows

“We? No, the kids are staying with me”

“No they’re not”

“Don’t try me Kara, I will take them form you” he threatened.

“They’re my kids! You can’t take them from me!”

“Are you serious?! Look at you! You’re a mess! You need help!” he yelled stepping inside the house

“I know” I whisper to myself. Next thing I knew I was walking out the door.


Blake’s P.O.V.

“Kara?” Kora calls “What the hell did you say to her?” She asks me.

“Oh, come on she’s just being such a drama queen”

Kora scoffs “Of course you’d say that. You don’t know how to handle her. You have no idea what she’s been through in her life! All you people do is look and judge without knowing the whole goddamn story!” She yells and runs after her.

“What happened?” Kira sneaks up on me

“I don’t know I guess Kara’s running away again”

“Run away? She has nowhere to run to here”

“Well then I don’t know”

She looked down and whispered “Oh my God”


“Nothing… Is there a cliff nearby? I really like the thrill of jumping off one”

“Yeah, but the sun’s already setting”

“That’s okay”

“Kira what’s going on?”

“Nothing, it’s just… I think Kara hitting your aunt brought here some bad memories and I’m sorry she did that but your aunt is really mean” she began to cry. “Kara was only protecting Tyler but you always choose your aunt’s side instead of your own kids! And it’s not fair to them. I’ll just let Kora handle it.”

“Handle what?” I asked

“Nothing, they’re just gonna talk” a little after the drama Jada called asking to pick up Tyler so he could to her house and play with Little Chris, maybe even sleep over so I agreed. Tyler could use the distraction…


Kara’s P.O.V.

I was sitting at the edge of a cliff, I felt like I was going crazy.

“Kara please don’t do this” Kora begged

“I’m not gonna jump Kora”

“You’re sitting at the edge of a cliff, forgive me for thinking otherwise”

“What was she like?” I change the subject



“She… was a bitch sometimes”

“And when she wasn’t?”

“She was nice” I scoff and laugh “Kara you have too many emotions bottled up, that’s not good you got to talk to somebody”

“Yeah I know. I didn’t want to admit it, you know? I wanted people to think that I didn’t give a shit but the truth is it hurt. I mean, who the hell is okay with their mother not loving them?”

Kora doesn’t answer so I continued talking “You know what she said to me once?”


“I was 16, we were at Madelyn’s wedding and she was with a group of rich people and I was wearing my typical casual dress with black converse. Remember that?” I laugh

“Yeah” she chuckles

“Anyway, I walked over to her and I said: hey mom can I go to Alana’s house? and she said, here comes the funny part she said: you must have me confused with somebody else… I only have two daughters” I laugh crying. “Who does that?”

“She had no right to treat you the way she did”

“Why didn’t she just abort me? The whole goddamn world would have been better if I just didn’t exist”

“Don’t say that. If you hadn’t been born your kids wouldn’t have been born”

“He wants to take the kids from me… What am I supposed to do?”

“They’re your kids, you have every right to stay with them”

“Who are we kidding? He’ll hire the best lawyer in the world and first thing they’ll do is take out my criminal records and that’s it. They stay in L.A. and I go back home.”

“Yeah but he has no time to take care of them. They won’t give them to him”

“Oh please Kora just be real”

“Kara? What triggered you to keep hitting her?”

I didn’t hesitate to answer “She reminded me of mom… It was like she came back to life only this time to abuse my kids. I couldn’t let that happen”

“We can get some help”

“Will that stop me from going crazy?”

“You’re not crazy. You just need to talk to somebody” my phone began to ring while Kora was talking.

“Jada?” why was she calling me? When I answered she was panicking. I barely understood her, all I heard was “I’m sorry”

“What?” finally she calmed down and I understood. My heart stopped and yelled for my sister “Kora!!” I stand up and run to the car. I was numb, in pain, but it wasn’t the kind of pain as when I thought Blake was cheating. It was way worse…


Wow! I can't believe I've updated everyday this past week!

I hope you guys are enjoying the story and thanks for the support! :D

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