57 (Game Day)

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Kara’s P.O.V.

I was getting the kids ready for the game, Blake left first for the pregame preparation. I dressed Tyler with Blake’s number of course but I just kept Emma pretty casual. I wanted to wear Blake’s shirt too but my belly didn’t fit in it. But still I dressed pretty casual too, I wasn’t one of those get fancy for a game type of girl, I was going to a game, not to a party. I waited for Amber to pick me up and then we went to the game.

“Damn, it’s pretty full” I say as we take our seats. As soon as we got there I could see fans trying to get pictures of the kids. I didn’t mind so much, but we were here to watch a game, not to stalk my kids.

“Yep, it always gets like this when they play Golden State” Amber said


I was enjoying the game but at with 2 minutes remaining of the 2nd quarter DJ got in a scuffle with Bogut. Of course I would understand Amber getting worried but situations like that made me really nervous.

“I can’t watch this” I say standing up and going to the bathroom with Tyler and Amber followed with Emma.

“What’s wrong?” Amber asked

“I can’t be here, what was I thinking? These guys always get in a fight, I think I’m gonna head home.”

“You want me to take you?”

“No it’s okay, I’ll take a cab. I’m sorry”

“It’s okay I understand” and with that I leave.


Blake’s P.O.V.

I was holding DJ back so thing wouldn’t get worse, it didn’t really surprise me, we didn’t get along. DJ finally calmed down, and when I looked to the crowd Kara was gone. When we were going back to the locker room for half time I asked Amber where Kara was.

“She left, she got pretty emotional about the fight” she yelled

“Thanks” I guess it was the best she could do, I don’t know what I was thinking asking her to come, especially pregnant… We won the game 126-115, I took a quick shower, did the postgame interview and went home as fast as I could.

“Babe?” I call

“Upstairs!” I run up to our room and she was in bed with Tyler and Emma

“Daddy!” Tyler put his arms up so I would pick him up and Emma just threw a giant smile as soon as she saw me.

“So what happened?” she asks me

“We won” I lay next to her

“Good” she breathes in “I’m sorry I left”

“It’s okay, I shouldn’t have asked you to go. You didn’t take them trick or treating?”

“I’m not feeling too good babe” that was a no. She was talking in a very tired voice.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m nauseous” I start to rub her belly “He hates me” she said, meaning the baby.

“He doesn’t hate you”

“Yes he does. This is by far the worst pregnancy I’ve had. What did I ever do to him?” I chuckle a little. She sits up “Oh my God”


“I’m gonna throw up” she gives Emma to me and goes to the bathroom. I put Emma on her crib and go check on Kara. When I get to the bathroom she was weeping, who could blame her? I mean, who likes feeling like they’re choking?

“You okay?” I rub her back

“I hate this”

“I know, I’m sorry”

“This is all your fault” she says never letting go of the toilet

“This is not my fault, how is this my fault?” I could say anything about the baby cause she was gonna assume I was saying it’s not mine.

“You did this to me”

“Actually as I recall, you seduced me. You thought I was drunk and took me to bed, am I wrong?” I joked and she chuckled.

“You okay mommy?” Tyler was at the door and we didn’t notice.

“How’d you get out of your crib?” I asked seriously and he doesn’t answer.

“He was on his crib?”

“I put him on the crib, yes. Happy birthday mom and dad I can get out of my crib now” I joked making Kara laugh.

“I’m okay baby, how did you get out?” he doesn’t say anything “Did you get hurt?” he shakes his head “You promise? We’re not gonna be mad at you” he assures us he did fall. We did need to make sure just in case he hit his head or something. “Terrible twos”


“It’s a saying that two year olds are terrible at that age”

“Great, and we have three kids. Hey, bud, you’re sleeping with us tonight” I didn’t want him trying to get out again.

“You guys go ahead, I’m sleeping here tonight” Kara said

“You’re not sleeping here tonight, I’ll get a trash can... Come on, brush your teeth, we’re going to bed” I help her get up and go to bed while she brushed her teeth. When she’s done she come to bed with us, she stares at Tyler and begins to smile.

“Can you believe it’s been two years?” she asks me

“I know right? It’s so weird, I’m glad it happened though. I couldn’t imagine my life without them, could you?”

“No, I would probably be so bored right now”

“All it took was one night. If I hadn’t gone there that day… we wouldn’t be like this right now”

“You know I think about it almost every day, when we almost lost him”

“We didn’t, he’s here, he’s safe, he’s healthy. It’s not your fault some drunk guy decided to go through a red light.”

“I know, but it was so scary”

“I was more scared I wasn’t there” I kiss her forehead

“That’s my baby brother” Tyler said pointing at Kara’s belly, we both chuckled

“Yeah baby, that’s your baby brother” Kara said stroking his hair.

“Hiiii” Tyler says with his mouth on the belly and the kisses it

“Hey” Kara call him “You know I love you right?”

“Love you mommy, you too daddy” he jumps to my chest.

“I love you too buddy, but we have to go to sleep okay?”

“Okay… good night little brother” Kara and I just stare at him until we all fall asleep. I know I was a man whore but that wasn’t me anymore. It was good to have a family and I was happy.

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