97 (I Needed You)

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Blake's P.O.V.

I cant believe she actually left, I knew she warned me but I sitll didn't think she'd do it. When I called Kora, she didn't sound worried which is why I knew Kara was there with them. Even though I was still jet lagged I bought a plane ticket for the next flight to go get my kids...


Kara's P.O.V.

Today Blake called like crazy, guess that means he was back home. I turned off my phone like he did to me, and ignored. I was where I belonged, home, my real home, with my sisters and my kids... The whole week I felt numb, my heart was broken, I needed Blake and he wasn't here which made me more furious towards him. I was in the living room just staring outside

"Blake called" Kora said entering the room.

"What did he want?" 

"To know where you were, I told him I didn't know"

"He'll know I'm here, I don't have anywhere else to go"

"Well if he does come he'll have to stay somewhere else 'cause he's not staying here." she drops next to me exhaling deeply "He's such a dick. I can't believe he's the one mad at you"

"Yeah, well... Imagine how I feel"

"Sorry, we should join the rest of the family outside"

"I think I'll stay here for a little while"

"Kara you've been here all day"

"Well, we all have our different ways to mourn"

"Yeah... He's in a better place you know?"

"Whatever" I stand up and go upstairs to cry on my pillow.


Blake's P.O.V.

I pack my bags and call DJ to take me to the airport.

"So you're seriously leaving now? You just got here" DJ said on the ride

"I know man, but she doesn't answer me phone calls or my texts"

"Uh... Kind of what you did to her?" I don't respond, knowing he's right "Bet you regret going to Croatia now huh?"

"Yeah" I admit

"So how do you know they're there if her sister didn't say?"

"She sounded too calm and she always worries about Kara"

"What are you gonna tell her when you see her?"

"I don't know, I just want to know if the kids are all right"

"Dude! She called and you didn't pick up!"

"I know okay?! I know I messed up"

"Thank you! That's all I wanted you to know. Now go fix it"

I chuckle lightly "Yeah I guess I have to" we do our handshake and I enter the airport.


After 7 excruciating flight hours I finally arrive. Kora sounded really pissed at me so I guess I wasn't gonna be staying there. But before I check in a hotel I'm gonna che on my kids first. I get on a taxi and go to Kara's house, when I get there the house was full of people and there were cars everywhere, like they were having a party. How nice! I pay the cab driver, I grab my bags and go to the door. After knocking a few times Kora opens the door.

"Blake" she said surprised "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see my kids"

"Like you give a shit! You left them and when they called to talk to you, you didn't answer"

"I made a mistake, okay?! Where's Kara?"

"Like I said on the phone, they're not here" when she says that I take a peak inside

"So you're telling me that, that's not my son over there" I say pointing at Tyler who was inside playing with other kids.

"She still doesn't want to see you... You hurt her"

"Hurt her? You're having a party"

"Party?" she asked confused. "Does this look like a party to you?" she's right, the place looked kind of dead.

"Where's Kara?"

"She doesn't want to talk to anyone right now, especially not you"

I wasn't one to barge in to places, but I was talking to Kara one way or another. If she wasn't in this party or whatever it is she was probably in her room. So I open the door, walk past Kora and enter the house.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" Kora sain

"Kora, let him go" Kira said from the couch. "Maybe it'll be good for her"

"But he---"

"Let them sort it out" Kira cuts her off "She's in her room... just please, don't upset her"

"Thanks" I go find Kara.


Kara's P.O.V.

I was in my room bathroom cleaning my face from all the crying. I really wanted to be alone today, but with four kids, you don't really have an "alone" time. Tyler, who was already walking up and down the stairs, something I did NOT enjoy, kept knocking on my door from time to time so I would come out. And I know I should but I really wasn't feeling like it. But once again the door knocked.

"Tyler baby I told you to not come up the stairs, it's dangerous" I open the door but only to see Blake standing there.

"So you let our son walk up the stairs"

"What do you want?"

"My kids"

"You're kids? You mean the ones you forgot about for two weeks?" I said annoyed.

"I know, okay? I was an asshole, I get it. I don't need people repeating it all the time"

"Well maybe they should!"

"I was worried" he said

"Worried?!! I called you for days! You ignored me"

"What was the big deal? You were blowing up my phone last week like crazy"

"Maybe if you'd have picked up, you would've known!"

"Well you seem fine so, I don't see what all the drama was about"

"Drama?... My brother died, my brother."


"I called you.... because I needed you" I said tearfully "and you weren't here for me"

"Shit" he whispered "I'm sorry, I didn't know"

"Of course you didn't know, you never picked up"

"Babe, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry" he walked to me and hugged me. Tears begin to fall from my eyes as he comforts me. I was mad at him, furious even, but right now I just needed him with me...

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