134 (Mother's Intuition)

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Kara's P.O.V.

Yesterday Marcus told me how mad John was at him for putting us through all that pain, not that I blame him, I was pissed too. He told him he was flying over here so Marcus would face him, little did he know he was gonna have to face me too for taking Blake's money. Kira and Kora were mad as hell too when they found out and even more when Kyle and Tommy confessed to them they knew about it. I bet they'll get a scolding just like Blake's. God what do these men think of? How can they put us throught that? But I can't worry about that right now, I have to focus on more important things right now... I have four kids to take care of and another one on the way from a man I thought I knew...

"Mommy, can I watch SpongeBob?" Tyler asked me with puppy eyes.

I chuckle "Honey it's getting late"

"Pleaaaase, just one more" he pleaded. How can I say no to that face?

"Fine, but only if daddy stays up with you okay?"


"Blake? Tyler wants to watch another episode of SpongeBob, keep an eye on him?"

"Yeah" his eyes were glued to his phone like always.

"Make sure he only watches one"


"Are you listening to me?"


"What did I just say?"

"Okay, I will" God! Typical male...

"Kevin called me, said he wanted to hang out, I agreed"

"What?!!" his attetion went to me in less than a second.

I roll my eyes at him "Your son, living room, SpongeBob, get him to bed"

"Yeah, I got it babe"

"Okay, I'm going to bed"

"Wait, was the Kevin thing a lie?" he asked before I left.

"No Blake, I decided to go out with the guy who hit our son" I said sarcastically

"Don't play like that with me, I'm sensitive" he walks to me and kisses me.

"Poor baby.... If you had payed attention to me--"

"I always give you my attention, especially at night, in bed. My attention goes all to you" he says seductively.

"I don't know if that made you sound like and asshole or.... nope definitely and asshole" he turn from him and walk away. "Get him to bed, please?"

"Yes ma'am"


An hour later I feel Blake get into bed...

"Are you kidding me Blake? It's been an hour"


"I said one, not two"

"He fell asleep five minutes into the first one, I was watching a movie"

"You tuck him in?"


"Locked the house?"

"Mm-hm" he kissed the top of my head.

"Kay, night"

"Hey" he kept me from turning. "I know I get spaced out sometimes, but I love you"

"I know, I love you too" I smile at him.....

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