What Are We?

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House: Slytherin

Blood Status: Pureblood

Warnings: Swearing


You and Draco Malfoy have been friends since the first year when you met on the train.  It's now March of fifth year and you two have been practically inseparable.  You were and are always together.  You always have all the same classes, sit at each and every meal together, spend your breaks together, and you cheer Draco on in Quidditch even if he loses.  Everything is absolutely perfect.

"Hey, y/n!" Draco says, coming down the stairs from his dormitory.  

"Draco!" you shout.  You jump up and hug him tightly with a wide smile.  You both let go and he smiles down at you.  Pansy Parkinson, walking up from the girls' dorms shoots you a hateful look.  Ugh.  Pug Face is jealous again! you think to yourself with an eye roll.

"Let's go to breakfast y/n," Draco says.  You follow him out of the dungeons to the Great Hall.  You sit down next to each other across from Crabbe and Goyle, who already have piled their plates high with pancakes and french toast with globs of butter and pools of sticky, amber syrup.

"Wow, Crabbe, Goyle.  How do you two eat so much every day without being sick?" you gasp, spreading jam on two pieces of toast, one for yourself and one for Draco.  You hand Draco his toast and he hands you and orange juice.  

"Hey, you all," Blaise Zabini says, taking a seat next to you.  "Hey, y/n."

"Good Morning, Blaise," you reply over everyone else's grunts of acknowledgement through full mouths of food.  Blaise always has had a crush on you, but you were never interested.  He was Blaise, after all.... You all sit at breakfast together and take about Quidditch, Professor McGonagall's latest essay and the latest of Umbridge's Proclamation: no music to be played during study hours.

"As a music lover, that's going to be difficult for me," you say.  "I always work with music.  I don't think background noise or people talking will do."

Everyone else nods in agreement and then continue the conversation.  You all eventually get up and go your separate ways.  It's a Sunday.  No classes today for anyone.

"Do you want to take a walk with me around the grounds?  As a member of the Inquisitorial Squad and a Prefect, I have to do a patrol at least twice a day.  You know the drill by now, y/n.  School rules," Draco says with a shrug.

"I'd like that," you reply.  You follow Draco through the corridors, scanning the area for any rule breakers or any banned items such as the Weasley Twins' products, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. 

"Ten points from Ravenclaw, first year.  The Quibbler is a banned newsprint at Hogwarts," Draco says to a small brown-haired girl.  

He reaches out and snatches her magazine from her and stows it in his pocket in a huff.  He points down the hall aggressively and she runs away.  You two continue to walk out into the courtyard.  Draco stops in his tracks.  Across the courtyard stand Potter, Granger and Weasley.  

"Come with me, y/n," Draco says, a grin breaking across his face.  "I think we ought to have a nice little chat with them."

Draco struts over to them, his cloak swaying behind him and you two stop right in front of the trio.

"Well, well.  If it isn't Mudblood, Weasleby and the Chose One," he chuckles calmly.  

"Shove off, Malfoy," Weasley snaps at Draco.  "Can't you see you're not welcome?"

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