Ethics Pt. 1

11.7K 216 42

House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose


First Person (Your) POV: 

It's always been lonely at Hogwarts for me.  Nobody's ever really been mean to me but they also haven't been nice to me.  It's okay.  I've gotten used to the solitude.  Even with the arrival of all the visiting students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, nothing's changed as far as my social life.  Oh, well.  Every single day goes the same.  I get up, go to breakfast, have my classes, and spend my free period in the courtyard reading like I am now.  It's become routine.  Students just pass by me and don't take notice.  I mainly just watch everyone.  Today, there's nothing out of the ordinary so far.  Just people talking and going places.  

"Why so tense, Potter?!" I hear Draco Malfoy shout from a tree. I slowly raise my gaze from my book and find Harry trying to cross the courtyard, listening to all the students shouting "Potter Stinks".  I stow my book and stand up as Draco hops down from his seat on the tree.  "My Father and I have a bet you see...  I say you won't last ten minutes in this tournament!  He disagrees!  He says you won't last five!"  

Draco chuckles out loud and his group of crones laugh with him.  Harry, fuming, storms over to Draco, shoving him back into his friends.  

"I don't care what your father thinks, Malfoy!  He's vile and cruel..." Harry says through gritted teeth.  "... and you're just pathetic!"  

"Pathetic?!"  Draco spits, reaching for his wand.  

"OH, NO YOU DON'T, SONNY!" Professor Moody shouts, coming out from behind a nearby bush, flicking his wand.  A bright light comes out of the end and hits Draco, spinning him around, turning him into a ferret.  Professor Moody hobbles forward on his cane and iron leg and starts to levitate the squeaking ferret up and down.  The students start to laugh and point.

"Look at Malfoy!" a Hufflepuff yells, nearly doubling over in laughter.  I watch as the helpless ferret Malfoy bobs up and down, squealing in pain.  In a split second, I find myself unable to take what's happening and I rush forward over to where Professor Moody is torturing Draco.  I swoop in, and snatch Draco up and attempt to hold the squirming ferret still.  Moody looks up at me, shocked at first to find that his spell of levitation is no longer in effect.  Harry and the other students who had gathered to see the show's faces all faded.

"How could you, Professor Moody, torturing a student like this!  I can't believe it!" I gasp, holding the snow white ferret against my chest.  I can see his breathing.  It's frantic and even in animal form, I can see his pain and humiliation.  "It's absolutely despicable that you all would find this funny!  One of your classmates has been turned into an animal for punishments and is being flung around the grounds!  Sure...  It's funny now, but what if it was one of your friends?  How would you like that?!"

Some of the students start to murmur.  Some of them even begin to look guilty.  I wait a few seconds, looking side to side at the students. I sigh.  None of them has the guts to apologise to Draco.  I glance over to Professor Moody, he's staring at the ground.  Maybe I got through to him?

"I know he isn't the nicest person, but everyone deserves more than this.  I thought we were better than this at Hogwarts.  Look!  He's in shock!" 

Some of the members of the crowd look at Draco and then to the floor, avoiding making eye contact with me.  The only one who doesn't look the slightest bit ashamed is Harry.  He's still standing tall.  

"I thought we had empathy for one another.  Evidently, I was wrong," I say solemnly, walking out towards the hallways with the little furry creature still in my arms.  I continue into a deserted corridor and set Draco onto the floor.  "Hold on.  I'll change you back."

The ferret nods and I pull out my wand.  I point it carefully at him and flick my wand.  Slowly, the ferret spins around again and grows until it's Draco again.  He looks down at himself, seeing if the transformation back is complete and that he's not any portion ferret anymore.  Realising he's human again he looks down at me and smiles.

"Thanks, y/n," he says.  

"You know my name?" I asked, surprised.

"Well, yeah," he replies.  "You sit in front of me in Potions class."

"Right...  Well, I'm sorry for what happened to you.  That was super uncalled for on the Professor's part.  He should have known that we don't use Transfiguration as a discipline method here and Hogwarts.  It was overly cruel."

"Thanks for your concern and for saving me...  it actually means a lot to me," he admits.

"How so?" I inquire

"None of my friends would have done that for me, stand up to a teacher like that...  Most people, in fact, wouldn't," he trails off.  "Oh..  Um.  How about I pay you back a bit?  Next Hogsmeade trip would you like to go to the Three Broomsticks?  I'll buy you a butterbeer."

Nodding, I begin to smile.

"That sounds great, Draco.  See you then!"


I skip down the path towards the Three Broomsticks.  Draco said to meet him inside and that he'd get us a table.  I grab ahold of the large, wooden door's doorknob and push it open.  I scan the warmly lit room for Draco and find him at a booth in the corner.  He looks up and waves at me, calling me over.  I continue on and after waving through the other tables between us, I sit down next to him.

"Hi, Draco!  How are you?" I ask, taking off my jacket and letting it drop down behind me on the bench.

"I'm very well, thanks, y/n," he says back.  A waiter wearing a white apron and a flannel shirt comes up to us and hands us two butterbeer.  Draco thanks the waiter and we both take a sip and I feel the warmth of it fill up my insides.  I stare down at my cup and we sit together in a moment of silence.

"Can I be forward with you, y/n?" he suddenly asks, placing his mug back down on the table. 

"Sure, Draco," I respond. 

"I... Uh.  Didn't tell you the whole truth when you asked me why I know your name..." he confesses.  

"What?" I say, mildly surprised.  

"I know your name becasue I've actually been admiring you for a long time.  For the first few years of Hogwarts, I, to be honest, didn't really notice you that much.  I saw you in the halls in passing and thought nothing of it.  Towards the end of third year...  I became more interested in you, y/n, and I found myself looking at you during our classes together," he continues, gulping a bit nervously.  I look at him in silence.  What's he getting at?  "I've um..  Over time...  Uh...  I've grown to like you, y/n.  From watching you all this time.  I admire your kindness and how gentle you are.  You're smart and always have an answer during class.  Your smile and laugh are beautiful.  All of you is beautiful, y/n and I think I'm falling for you.  The moment when you saved me from Moody I think was the tipping point, y/n.  I've never felt like this for anyone else ever before...  Uh..  Please say something..."

"Draco...  I..."

"Please, y/n!  Will you at least try it, dating me?  Or at least be my friend?" he pleads, reaching across the table to cup my hands with his.  I gather my thought up and look up to look straight into his grey eyes.  I smile.

"Definitely, Draco.  I'm willing to do this with you," I reply.  "Thanks for being upfront with me."


A/N:  This chapter was 1312 words long!  REQUESTS OPEN!  Thanks for reading and for 9.3k!  Wow!  谢谢你们!

- Soiea

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