The Madness

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House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose (Half or Pureblood)

Warnings:  Dark Themes, swearing

A/N:  I have no idea what I was thinking with this one.  Please bare with me!  :)


First Person (Your) POV:

It won't stop.  They won't stop.  The constant whispers...  The laughing....  Nothing will shut them the hell up!  They keep mocking me!  They won't stop!  What can make them stop?!  Who can make them stop?!   They keep talking...  So much talking...  They just float around in my head and they never die down or stop for a second!  They keep whispering in my ear.  Make fun of me.  Tell me I'm no good.   Tell me I'm garbage and full of shit.  They keep hissing...  Relentlessly....  Some of them are close and some are far away, but I can tell that they are no friends of mine...  Talk...!  Talk...! Talk...!

The noises, too. Nothing will silence them!  The cracking... the screams, the muffled cries and wails.  The crumbling of buildings to ash and the rumble of thunder in the distance!  It's all inside my head and it will never cease to exist!    My head is spinning around, and around, and around.  Whirling out of control far off into the distance.  I can feel my sanity deteriorate within me.  I can imagine the crumbling of my conscious, my thoughts falling apart until nothing but fragments are to remain in the empty cavity of my mind.  Sumiltaniouosly, everything in my mind feels combustible.  The pressure constantly builds as if an external entity is pressing on my skill and driving me downhill into the darkness.  The pressure rises and rises in my head, tipping me towards the verge of no return....

What is this magic?  What has happened to me?  How did I become this?  Why have I become this?  This isn't who I am!  I open my mouth to call out to someone!  Anyone who can save me from this path of woe and despair!  Please!  Someone change my fate!  This is not the path I want to walk down!  I have dreams and hopes for the future!  Why am I being denied that by this presence, this force?  Why has it chosen me to torment!  What did I ever do to it?!  Alas... I must accept this destiny of misery as my being is fading, fading, fading.... and with a snap of its fingers...  Gone...


A heartbeat.  A tap.  The sounds of someone calling my name in the distance....  Where am I now?  What has happened?  I'm lost...

"Y/n!  Oh, please be alive!  Y/n!  Wake up!  Please!" the voice calls to me.

I'm in a pool, just under the water's surface.  I feel it's weight pulling me down  I reach up.  

"Help!" I try to scream, but the water works its way against my breath.  "Help!"


Another voice joins in, echoing from above.

"She's shaking!  Go get Madam Pomfrey!  We need help now!"  

I feel the water turning into waves.  I watch as they crash around me, the seafoam swirling dangerously...  Everything is changing....  So quickly....  

Suddenly, I'm jerked to the side and lifted up by a separate force, bringing me out of the water. 

"Take her to the hospital now!" a woman's voice says from below.  Everything swirls and I feel a warm sensation wrap around me, holding me through the roughness of the wind above the waters. It holds me tighter, warming me up.  I feel it hug my soul, calming it, purifying it into light.  It strips away the darkness and the uncertainty.  The voices cease their chatter and the noises fade away into the past.  Everything around me starts to glow a warm caramel colour and things start to dissolve away, but this time, it isn't so scary, feeling the warmth of my saving grace wrap around me.


"How is she?" the voice in the dark whispers.  "Will she be alright?"

"Yes...  She will be..." a woman's voice echoes along with the other one.  Things start to fade in and out and a soft ringing starts.  My hearing starts and stops irregularly, leaving only fragments to be audible to me.  "C-Condition...  Blood....  A curse..."

"What c-caused this?"

"Unsure...  Not genetics.... Nothing else... definite... Never seen before...  New..."

"Hello?" I call out into the darkness.

"She's awake!  Y/n!  Can you hear me, love?"

I struggle for a second but open my eyes wearily.  Blurry at first, I can see nothing but a tan stone ceiling.  My eyes come into focus as my body regains consciousness, however, an abnormal heaviness is present in my extremities.  I feel a hand wrapping around mine, much like the... thing... whatever it was that saved me from drowning into nothingness.  I squeeze it.


"Draco...  I-Is that you?"

I look over to my left and see my boyfriend, his hair ruffled up and small bags under his eyes from lack of sleep.  He's thinner than usual and more stalk-like.

"You scared me, y/n..." he whispers, lifting up my hand to his lips and kissing it.  "I thought you were dead.  I didn't know what was going on...  I found you alone in your room collapsed and then you started shaking and wailing about God knows what..."

He starts to cry and I tighten my grip on his hand again.

"I'm sorry, Draco.  I didn't mean to do that to you,"  I reply quietly.  He leans forward and presses his lips onto mine and I feel a powerful warmth wash over me.  All my insecurities vanish in that moment.  All that exists is us, connected.  He smiles down at me again after parting his lips from mine.

"I'm so glad you're okay, y/n.  I don't know what I'd do without you."


"Come on, baby," Draco calls up to me from below.  "It's almost time to leave for Hogsmeade!  You haven't forgotten about our date, have you?  It's our anniversary and I planned something special!"

I run downstairs to him, jumping into his arms. 

"Of course not, silly!  I could never forget our anniversary!  I can't believe you thought up something special for us!" I gasp, still holding him close.

"Anything for my princess," he replies, grabbing hold of my waist tightly and pulling me into a magical kiss.  A feeling of bliss floods my body and I cup his face lightly with my hands.  He backs up for a moment and looks at me from head to toe.  "You look wonderful, y/n.  You're the most beautiful girl in the entire universe.  I don't know what I'd do without your love, princess."

"Draco, I love you so much!" I gasp.   He takes me by my hand and we leave the common room together.  It's been about a month since my last episode.  Research has started on the unknown magic I was under that caused everything.  The voices have gone away, the lingering feelings of inadequacy and unhappiness have gone.  The hallucinations have stopped.  I'm very grateful to my boyfriend that he was able to save me in time.  I don't know exactly how the madness left my body, but I know one thing for sure.  It was becasue of Draco.


A/N:  This chapter was 1259 words long!  Thanks for bearing with me!  I don't blame you if you're confused.  It was meant to be a bit confusing.  I hope you liked it though!  Please feel free to leave comments on what you think!  Thank you all for 8.2k reads!  

- Soiea

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