Life Debt

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House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose

A/N:  Events are slightly different compared to the books/movies.  You are a water Dragon animagus.


Running through the halls of Hogwarts as the battle continues, you shoot spells left and right, attacking any Death Eaters in your path.

"Y/n!" Harry shouts from behind you as you turn into an empty hallway filled with rubble.

"Oh, Harry!  You're alive!  Thank goodness!" you exclaim, rushing over to your long-time best friend and giving him a huge hug.

"Good to see you're holding up, too, y/n," Harry smiles, returning the hug.

"Where are you off to?  You're in quite a rush," you say, smiling.

"I'm off to find Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem.  It's a Horcrux and it has to be destroyed or we don't stand a chance," he sighs.  "I'm going to the Room of Requirement."

"In that case, I'm coming with you!" you state, taking his hand.  "Let's go!"

"No, y/n!  It's dangerous!" Harry resists.

"Harry.  I just stunned fifteen Death Eaters who all wanted to kill or capture me in the span of about seven minutes.  I can handle a room full of old junk," you say confidently, pulling him up the stairs, your wand still drawn.  Harry gives in and follows you, stopping at a blank stretch of wall.  You close your eyes and when you open them again, the familiar door of the Room of Requirement stands there.  You both enter, unaware that you're being followed.

Inside the room, piles of desks, books, and artefacts are piled high and covered with dust.  

"Feel anything Harry?" you ask as the door shuts behind you.

"Not yet.  Let's go deeper," he says, walking forward between the mountains of abandoned belongings.  You search the entire room, but nothing comes up.  There is no sign of a diadem.  You sigh an sit down on a rickety wooden bench.  

"There's nothing there, Harry.  I've checked that area too many times," you sigh, leaning on a table, which promptly breaks from under you and the items on top of it fall to the floor with you.  A small square case falls to the floor and smashes into pieces.  In the middle of the fragments of the wooden case lies a silvery crown.  It's the diadem.

"Y/n, you found it!" harry exclaims excitedly, rushing to pick the crown up.  "This is it.  I can hear it whispering."

"Wow," you whisper, coming to look closer.  

"Now we have to find Hermione and-"

"Well, well," a voice drawls from around a corner.  A tall figure steps into your path and two larger, burlier ones follow.  The boy who spoke is tall and blonde.  His skin is pale and he scowls in the direction of Harry.  It's Draco Malfoy, Harry's school nemesis.  You had never ever been on good or bad terms with him.  He's now the guy that tormented Harry for years turned Death Eater.  "Look who we have here...  What brings the great Harry Potter to the Room of Requirement?"

"None of your business, Malfoy," Harry grumbles coldly.  "I could ask you the same thing."

"You have something that rightfully belongs to me, Potter.  I'd like it back," Draco Malfoy spits.

"No.  Its allegiance has changed.  It wouldn't benefit you to have it.  Besides, you have one right there," Harry says, staring solemnly at Malfoy.  "What's wrong with the one you have?"

"It's my mother's," Draco sighs.  "It's powerful, but it doesn't quite understand me..."

"Why didn't you tell her... Bellatrix," Harry says.  Draco's crones behind him stir at these words and give him nervous looks. "You knew it was me.  Why didn't you say anything?"

Draco Malfoy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now