Arrangement Pt. 1

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House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  Half or Pureblood


The door creaks open and cuts through the soft bubbling sounds of the potions classroom.  Each and every one of the students' heads seem to turn to the door.  In shuffles, Filch, slouching with his evil cat in hand.

"Professor Snape...," Filch says slowly as Snape strides over to him confidently.  "I hope I am not interrupting too terribly, but I must request that you and miss y/l/n come out into the hallway.  The girl's parents are here on urgent business."

"What's this about?" Draco Malfoy, your boyfriend of two years asks worriedly.  

"I don't know.  My parents didn't say anything about them coming...," you sigh.

"Miss y/l/n.  Please accompany me and Mr Filch out into the hallway," Professor Snape says.

You start to get up without your school books, but Mr Filch raises his brow. 

"Your father wishes you bring your books with you," Mr Filch grumbles.  You nod, getting concerned.  You walk back to your seat and gather up your potions book and bookbag.  Draco kisses you on the cheek and you walk out of the classroom behind Filch and the professor.  You walk cautiously behind them until you turn the corner.  your father stands next to your mother.  They're both whispering to each other and immediately turn to you, smiling.

"Y/n!" your mother smiles, giving you a large hug.  "How are you?"

"What's up mom?  You're unusually cheery...," you observe.  She shrugs and your father steps towards you."

"We have big news, y/n," he says.

"Well, what is it?" you ask.  "It must be important if you came all the way to Hogwarts to tell me..."

"We have a wonderful opportunity for you!" your mother says happily.

"We're moving!" your father says quickly.

"Wait?  Moving??  Where?!" you gasp.

"Yes!  We're moving to Japan!" your parents say in unison.

"Oh, Mom, Dad!  That's great!" you say, smiling excitedly.

"Well, come on, y/n!  Pack your bags.  We need to head off soon!" your father says promptly. 

"Wait...  What?" you say, stopping immediately in your tracks.  "Why do I have to get my things?"

"Because you're coming with us, silly!" your mother says cheerily.

"What?  How will I finish school?" you gasp.

"You'll attend Mahoutokoro!  You know, of course.  The Japanese wizarding school.  I sent in a letter to them and they accepted you right away!" your mother explains.

"But mom-"

"No buts!  We did a lot of work to put this plan in motion.  We don't want those summer Japanese lessons you get to go to waste!" your father interjects.

"But Hogwarts is my second home!  All of my friends are here!  Draco is here!" you protest.  "I really do appreciate that you both did so much work for us all to go live in Japan, but can't I stay here?  Hogwarts is a boarding school, anyways!  I can come back for the breaks and you wouldn't see me any less than you do already!"

"Y/n.  Think about how great going to Mahoutokoro will be! You get to meet new people and experience a different culture!  You always talked about how much you wanted to go to Japan!" your mother says confidently.

"But I meant on an exchange or during the summer!  I don't want to live there permanently!  I won't get to see I know and love from Hogwarts anymore!" you say, crossing your arms.

"Y/n...  Please do not be ungrateful!" your father says sternly.

"You can't just rip me away from Hogwarts!" you shout loudly.

"Enough, y/n!  I didn't expect this from you!  You have to learn to take risks!  You have to step out of your comfort zone!" your father says, his voice turning deadly.  You back up, scared of him now.

"P-Please...  Can't I stay?  I can live in Japan when I'm older...  I can experience Japan's culture later, but please let me stay...," you breath.

"No.  You must come with us to Japan.  It is important for my work and I don't want you six thousand miles away."

"But, Father...  Draco's here!  What am I going to tell him?" you cry, holding your hand to your mouth.

"Forget that boy.  You won't be seeing him anymore.  He's a bad influence on you.  You should have never met him in the first place!" your father says harshly.  

"Can't I at least write to him when I'm in Japan?" you ask.

"No!  That boy is trouble! Now, let's go.  We must be heading off!" your father snaps.

"Can I at least say goodbye to my friends one last time?" you ask, your breath turning shaky.  Your parents sigh and look at each other.

"Oh, fine, y/n.  Yes.  Make it quick.  We'll meet you at the Great Hall. You have five minutes," your father says.  You nod and they turn their backs on you.  Professor Snape leads you back to class as the bell rings and you rush in to see Draco who is packing his books in his bag.  

"Draco?" you ask softly, putting your hand on his shoulder.  "I have news."

"What is it, y/n?" Draco says sincerely, taking your hands in his.

"I-I'm going to be moving away...  I'm going to Japan.  My father doesn't want me here anymore... He doesn't want me around you...," you sigh, a tear running down your cheek.

"What?" Draco gasps.

"You hear me right, Draco.  I'm going far, far away and I won't be able to see you ever again and he won't let me write to you!" you cry, throwing yourself deeper into his arms.  He raises his arms up and holds you close.  He begins to cry, too.

"This can't be happening, y/n...," Draco sighs.  

"What are we going to do?" you ask.

"I don't know but I'll find a way to find you again, y/n.  We'll be together and I'm not gonna let your father keep us apart, no matter how much he hates me," Draco says, determined.  you nod and he holds you close.  You stand there in each other's arms for a few long minutes, never wanting the moment to end.  The classroom door bursts open and your father strides in, your mother following.  He hisses at Draco and grabs your arm roughly, pulling you away from him.  Draco tries to reach out to you, but your father is too fast.  He pulls you into the hallway and Draco rushes to keep up.

"Draco!" you call out loudly.

"Y/n!" he shouts back.  "Don't go!  Please!  I need you!"

"I need you, too Draco!" you yell back.  "Let go of me, father!'

Your father doesn't listen and you scream.

"Hey!  Mr y/l/n!" Draco shouts, still following.  "You may be taking her now, but you won't keep us apart!  We will be together in the end! I love y/n and she loves me!  You can't change that!"

Your father scoffs and he pulls you off the grounds and apparate away, not even taking your stuff with you.


It's been months since moving to Japan.  Despite being totally immersed in Japanese, it's been a challenge, learning in Japanese all the time with hardly any English.  You've made friends, but they don't compare to the others from Hogwarts.  At night, you stare out the window and wish you were at Hogwarts with your old uniform, complete with your long cloak and you house tie.  Looking up at the dark night sky, you wonder where Draco is.  He hasn't written or anything and maybe he never will.  Staring at the moon, you wonder if Draco's at Hogwarts, thinking about you.


A/N:  This imagine was 1,220 words long!  Thanks for reading!  

- Soiea

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