Don't Look

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Description:  this Imagine was requested by DramioneFangirlSays!  In this imagine, you are one of the most-liked girls in Hogwarts (sorta popular, but popular because of your kindness, not looks or anything like that).

House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose

Warnings:  Light swearing.

A/N:  b/f/n = best friend's name (any gender); p/n = pronoun for best friend; y/h = your house


You watch as Draco scribbles away on his long roll of light yellow parchment, taking a spoonful of Owl Os and putting it into your mouth.

"What's going on, Draco?" you ask, peeking over Draco's shoulder to look at what's he's scribbling.

"Oh, it's the stupid Charms essay.  I forgot about it and it's due next period," he groans, dropping his quill and shaking his hand.  "I've been writing for so long my hand is starting to cramp.  It hurts..."

You reach out for his hand and hold it in yours, kissing it gently, making him smile softly.

"Aww, thanks, y/n," he says.  "You're the best."

"How much more do you have to do?" you ask.  

"Just the conclusion. It looks awful," he sighs.

"No, no.  It looks great and your handwriting is beautiful," you say, trying to make him feel better.  "Want me to help with it any?  I finished mine last night."

"Really?  Why couldn't you have helped me then?" Draco gasps.

"That's because I finished it at eleven o'clock, Draco," you say playfully with an eye roll.  "Obviously I didn't do it when the sun was still shining like any quality essay made by yours truly."

Draco laughs heartily and scoots closer to you, holding out his scroll your you to look at.  You take it gladly and you both work on his essay until the end of the breakfast period.  You clear out of the Great Hall along with everyone else and walk together to the Charms classroom, sit down in your regular spot near Blaise, Pansy and the rest of the Slytherins, far away from the Gryffindors.  Professor Flitwick stands up on his desk to address the class.

"Okay, students!  Today you will be turning in your essays and we will be starting a new chapter in our books.  Now, if you will all have your papers out in front of you, I will collect them and we shall begin shortly!" Professor Flitwick says cheerfully.  You and Draco reach for your bags, pulling out your essay, yours obviously longer than Draco's.  You smile over at him as he gives you a small, comforting glance.  Professor Flitwick raises his wand

"Wingardium Leviosa!" he chants and each and every one of the papers fly up and into a neat pyramid shape behind him.  "Now, let's begin!"


Since you helped him on his charms essay, Draco has begun to consistently ask you to help him with his assignments, not that you're complaining at all.  It's actually helped your relationship a lot by allowing you two to get together and spend time together.  You head down the hall to go to your usual empty classroom where you meet Draco for your usual study sessions.  You smile as you see him already sitting down with a spot saved right next to him.  You wave your had and he grins up at you.  You set your bags down quietly on the table and pull out your chair, sitting down in it while giving Draco a small peck on the cheek.

"Hey, you," you say casually.  "What's going on today?  Whatcha workin' on?"

"Oh...  Nothing much, y/n...  It's just a thing," he says.  You frown a bit.

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