I'm In, I'm Out, I'm In...

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Description:  This chapter was requested by cherylblossomed!  Thanks for the request!

House: Gryffindor

Blood status:  You Choose

(The Many) Warnings:  References to Sex, Bullying, Making Out, Almost Sex, Swearing


"You filthy bitch!" Draco shouts from across the hallway.  "You don't belong here, you piece Gryffindor shit!  I have never seen anything as ugly as you in my whole life and I've seen the Giant Squid once!  Who would want to have her?And she's so stupid!  If I had a galleon for every brain cell she had, I'd be poorer than Weasley!"

The Slytherins laugh maliciously with him and jeer, almost doubling over in giggles and laughter.

"Her hair looks worse than her mom's chest hair!" he yells, his eyes flaring with malice.  "She smells worse than the mudbloods with an extra dose of Dragon's B.O!" You lower your head, your heart heavy.  Pansy Parkinson sashays over to you and roughly knocks the books out of your hands and shoves you against the wall.  Sinking to the floor, the sound of the Slytherin's laughter floods your ears, especially the loud, echoing chuckles from Draco.  You crawl towards your books and gather them up in your arms.  Pansy walks away, just barely satisfied with her work.  The Slytherins all file out to class, leaving you all alone in the hall.

"Hey, y/n," a soft voice says from behind her.  

"Oh...  Hey, Hermione...," you say quietly.

"What happened, y/n?" Hermione asks, seeing the look in y/n's eyes.

"It was just the Slytherins...  I'm fine, Hermione..." you reply, standing up with your heavy books in hand again.

"You don't look fine, y/n," she says, dismayed a bit.  You shake your head, fed up a bit with Hermione.

"Fine.  No, Hermione. I'm not okay.  That's not important right now, though.  I can deal with it.  I can fight my own battles.  I'm sorry, Hermione.  I'll talk to you later.  I gotta go," you say, disappearing down the corridor.


The rest of the day goes similarly.  Draco and his gang torture you through each class.  In Care of Magical Creatures, they threw scrap pieces of paper at you and called you names, in Potions they mixed up your ingredients so your potion exploded and ruined your uniform, In Defense against the Dark Arts, they passed notes to you calling you things like "slut" and "hoe".  All the following classes were the same, too. All of them a constant barrage of insults and torments followed by heckling and taunting gibes.  Walking down the hall in your ruined burned and stained uniform after last period, you look forward to talking off your nasty, tattered clothes and changing into some casual wear.  You sigh, imagining having a peaceful night after such an awful day.  You are abruptly pulled by the back of our collar through a door frame that didn't exist seconds ago.  You find yourself in the room of requirement.  There is a bed in the corner and a couch in front of a fireplace that houses a crackling fire.  You feel a pair of arms snake around your waist from behind.

"Y/n...," a husky, sexy voice whispers.   It's Draco.

"What do you want, Draco?  Haven't you tormented me enough today?  Aren't you through with me?" you ask, exasperated.

"Heavens no, y/n...  I'm never through with you."  You scoff.  Typical Draco.  Sensing your resistance, he presses kisses down your neck.  You softly groan and start to surrender yourself to him, feeling his cold lips on your sensitive skin.  "I thought you liked being with me...  After all, we've been together like this, in this very room, in fact, many, many, many times before, love. I remember in each of those instances you couldn't get enough of me..."

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